Quectel Expands IoT Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Module Portfolio, Boosting Speed and Cost Efficiency for Fas
Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, today announced the introduction of three additional short-range modules to its portfolio. The modules are the FC30R, a cost-effective, industrial-grade Wi-Fi module; the FCU743R, featuring Wi-Fi 4 and Bluetooth 5.2 capabilities; and the FCM740D, an MCU with Wi-Fi 4 and Bluetooth 5.2. These modules enable customers to bring IoT devices to market more cost-effectively and with faster time to market.
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“We’re constantly striving to provide our customers with the strongest possible portfolio across the Quectel product range,” commented Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions. “The inclusion of these modules expands the range of options in our short-range portfolio for customers' IoT applications, empowering them to innovate in their IoT device designs and accelerate their time to market.”
The FC30R is an ultra-compact, cost-effective industrial-grade Wi-Fi module that supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standards. Measuring just 12.0 mm × 12.0 mm × 2.1 mm, it is perfect for size-sensitive applications. It can be seamlessly integrated with Quectel 5G modules (RT620T series), 4G modules (EG25 series, AG35 series, EG95 series, EC21 series, EC25 series, EC20 series, EC200A series, EC200R series, EC300R-LA series), and other application processors (NXP, ST, TI, Ambarella, etc.), making it suitable for a wide range of M2M applications including EV chargers, mobile hotspots, on-board diagnostics (OBD), gateways and industrial PDAs.
The FCU743R is a USB interface, high-performance Wi-Fi 4 and Bluetooth 5.2 module that supports the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands and can realize high-speed, low-power WLAN wireless transmission with a maximum data transmission rate of up to 150 Mbps. With an ultra-compact size of 13.0 mm × 12.2 mm × 2.0 mm, the module is ideal for size-sensitive applications.
Surface-mount technology (SMT) makes FCU743R an ideal solution for durable and rugged designs and the low profile and small size of LCC package ensure that it can be easily embedded into size-constrained applications and provide reliable connectivity with these applications
The FCM740D is an MCU Wi-Fi 4 and Bluetooth 5.2 module, that boasts a high-performance processor with a frequency of up to 120MHz and supports IEEE 802.11b/g/n protocol and BLE 5.2. The module features built-in 256 KB SRAM and 2 MB/4 MB flash (optional), complies with WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK and WPA3-SAE security standards. The FCM740D has an LCC + DIP form factor with an ultra-compact size of 20.3 mm × 15.8 mm × 2.7 mm, which optimizes the size and cost for customers.
With a variety of low-power modes and long connection keep-alive mechanisms, the module is perfect for smart home, industrial IoT, consumer electronics and other applications, especially home appliances, small-sized smart lighting and other applications and IoT devices with high temperature requirements, such as HVAC, dimmer, light strips, smart sockets.
Finally, two MCU Bluetooth modules, the HCM511S and HCM010S, are now available in additional variants with stronger transmit power and additional antenna options. The HCM511S-E now features 8 dBm transmit power and an RF coaxial connector and external pin antenna interface, while the HCM010S-E now offers a pin antenna, RF coaxial connector and optional PCB antenna.
Quectel’s IoT modules are developed with security at the core. From product architecture to firmware/software development, Quectel incorporates leading industry practices and standards, mitigating potential vulnerabilities with third party independent test houses and have incorporated security practices like generating SBOMs and VEX files as well as performing firmware binary analysis into the entire software development lifecycle.
Quectel will be exhibiting at MWC Las Vegas 2024. Schedule a meeting to find out more about the Quectel product range.
About Quectel
Quectel’s passion for a smarter world drives us to accelerate IoT innovation. A highly customer-centric organization, we are a global IoT solutions provider backed by outstanding support and services. Our growing global team of 5,600 professionals sets the pace for innovation in cellular, GNSS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules as well as antennas and services.
With regional offices and support across the globe, our international leadership is devoted to advancing IoT and helping build a smarter world.
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