FLYR and Riyadh Air Partner to Deliver the World’s First Digitally-Native Airline, Utilizing Offer a
Together, Riyadh Air and FLYR are transforming the passenger experience with shopping cart capabilities for passengers at every touch point
Riyadh Air’s digital guest journey will be revealed at Future Investment Initiative Institute in Riyadh at the end of October
SAN FRANCISCO and RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FLYR, the technology company that unlocks freedom to innovate for the travel industry, and Riyadh Air, one of the most forward-thinking airlines globally, today announced a strategic partnership that will shape the future of passenger travel. Through this partnership Riyadh Air will become the first full service carrier to operate on a fully native offer and order based technology to deliver a modern retailing platform and experience to its customers. Both FLYR and Riyadh Air have adopted the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) guiding business architecture principles for IT in modern airline retailing.
Comments on the news:
Tony Douglas, CEO of Riyadh Air, said: “At Riyadh Air, innovation is at the core of everything we do. We are not just launching an airline; we are launching a new era of air travel. Our partnership with FLYR empowers us to harness the latest technologies to deliver a truly personalized and seamless travel experience, exceeding expectations at every step of the journey and offering our guests a virtually unlimited range of options at every touchpoint.”
Alex Mans, Founder and CEO of FLYR, said: “Backed by the hopes, dreams, and financial might of a nation that is 92 percent urban and just 29 years of age on average, Riyadh Air embodies the future. Our partnership represents a significant step forward for the airline industry, proving that airlines can indeed say goodbye to the legacy PSS and welcome the future of retailing with Offer and Order. Together, we will set a new standard and demonstrate how a more responsive, personalized, and end-to-end travel experience is possible while simultaneously remaining compatible with technologies of the past.”
An integral part of this step forward in airline retailing is how FLYR's technology directly enables Riyadh Air to craft the digital retail experience today's travelers have come to expect from most other industries. By easily introducing key capabilities such as shopping cart-like experiences, customers can book and change plans seamlessly, accessing everything they need for their trip in one location – from Riyadh Air flights and ancillaries, to third-party integrations including hotels and activities. FLYR provides the foundation for Riyadh Air to deliver these experiences in the form of several key technology solutions:
- Offer Management capabilities, often referred to as "making the customer promise", are delivered through Product Catalog, Stock Keeper, and Offer Translator enable Riyadh Air to deliver personalized offers to its customers across all touch points. Powered by artificial intelligence (AI), Riyadh Air is able to introduce and distribute new products in real-time, while delivering tailored options for all customers across every touchpoint.
- Order Management capabilities built upon IATA's open ONE Order standard, will enable Riyadh Air to have order as the “single source of truth” for all downstream systems and processes. Riyadh Air is able to unify the entire customer journey including air and non-air products including airfare, seat selection, baggage, ancillaries, and third party products – into a single order. FLYR's implementation of ONE Order supports all products the airline chooses to sell, including those from third parties, to be stored and managed centrally.
- Digital Customer Experience capabilities orchestrate modern booking flows and integrate various systems involved with the retailing flow, visibly positioning Riyadh Air as the world's first truly digitally native airline by offering exceptional and seamless travel experiences from booking to landing.
Riyadh Air is shaping the future of flying, ushering in a new era for the travel and flying experience. The world-class, full-service airline is committed to sustainability and the highest safety standards across its advanced fleet of aircraft. Collaborating closely with airline partners such as Delta Air Lines, Singapore Airlines, and more, Riyadh Air will offer a seamless, globally connected travel experience unlike any other. Riyadh Air and FLYR will reveal the comprehensive digital guest journey at the Future Investment Initiative (FII), the flagship investment conference in Riyadh, at the end of October.
About FLYR
FLYR is a technology company that unlocks freedom to innovate for the travel industry – eliminating legacy constraints to enable real-time decision making and create the experiences travelers seek. Cloud native, FLYR leverages technologies including deep learning, an advanced form of AI. FLYR is helping airlines and hospitality businesses around the globe improve revenue performance, reduce cost, and modernize their e-commerce experience. Learn more at
About Riyadh Air
Riyadh Air, a PIF company, is a world-class airline. Launched in March 2023, the airline will be a digitally led, full-service airline that adopts the best global sustainability and safety practices across its advanced fleet of aircraft. Riyadh Air will equip its aircraft with the most advanced, state-of-the-art features with innovative, best-in-class cabin interiors and experiences, including next generation digital in-flight entertainment systems and connectivity solutions. Riyadh Air will connect guests to over 100 destinations around the world by 2030 through offering an exceptional guest experience with an authentic, warm Saudi hospitality at its heart. Website:
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
Media contact:
Christie Engelbrecht
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