Smith+Nephew partners with JointVue™ for Ultrasound preoperative planning in robotics-assisted surge
Patented technology further personalizes total knee arthroplasty for surgeons and patients
Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN), the global medical technology company, today announces it has signed a co-marketing agreement with JointVue for its patented OrthoSonic™ 3D Surgery Planning Technology – the only ultrasound device currently on the market to deliver 3D preoperative planning. JointVue’s technology allows surgeons using Smith+Nephew’s CORI◊ Surgical System for robotic-assisted knee arthroplasty to create a personalized surgical plan, which may provide opportunities to improve patient satisfaction and operating room efficiency.
Pre-operative surgical planning provides the surgeon with information about the patient's anatomy to help the surgeon determine the preferred implants before the surgery begins. This foresight helps to enable just-in-time delivery of implants and instruments, helping to conserve space and reduce both operating room (OR) time and sterilization costs. The combination of JointVue’s OrthoSonic technology with Smith+Nephew’s CORI Surgical System, known for its small footprint and scalability, offers an ideal solution for Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) where OR space is limited.

The CORI Surgical System stands out in the market with its image-agnostic registration capabilities, offering both image-free and MRI-powered options for pre-operative planning. Now, with the exclusive adoption of JointVue’s OrthoSonic 3D Surgery Planning Technology for Smith+Nephew implants, surgeons have access to an additional procedural solution that utilizes ultrasound to generate a 3D plan within minutes. This radiation-free, automated planning tool guides surgeons to tailor the procedure uniquely to each patient.
“JointVue’s OrthoSonic technology allows surgeons and patients to get a 3D look inside their knee at the clinic in minutes without radiation - replacing a trip to the imaging center as they get ready for surgery,” said Steven MacDonald, MD, and CEO of JointVue. “The 3D image and automated planning tool helps orthopaedic surgeons personalize the procedure uniquely for each patient.”
As the field of robotic-assisted knee surgery continues to evolve, the demand for solutions that cater to diverse patient profiles, coupled with advanced planning and execution tools, is paramount in personalizing surgery. Robotic-assisted surgery can significantly enhance accuracy and reproducibility, potentially leading to improved patient outcomes compared to conventional techniques.1-3
“The addition of JointVue’s technology further expands the imaging modalities available to Smith+Nephew customers for pre-op robotic planning,” said Mayank Shandil, Global SVP of Recon and Robotics Marketing for Smith+Nephew. “The combination of JointVue with the CORI Surgical System for robotic-assisted knee replacement provides a personalized solution for surgeons and patients and is a perfect fit for the growing ASC market.”
To learn more about the CORI Surgical System and Smith+Nephew’s digital surgery applications across a range of joint arthroplasty indications, please visit
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Media Enquiries
Dave Snyder +1 (978) 749-1440
- Matsumoto T, Nakano N, Hayashi S, et al. Prosthetic orientation, limb alignment, and soft tissue balance with bi-cruciate stabilized total knee arthroplasty: a comparison between the handheld robot and conventional techniques. International Orthopaedics 2023;47(6):1473-80. doi: 10.1007/s00264-023-05737-6
- Crizer MP, Haffar A, Battenberg A, et al. Robotic Assistance in Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Results in Superior Early Functional Recovery and Is More Likely to Meet Patient Expectations. Advances in Orthopedics 2021;2021 doi: 10.1155/2021/4770960
- Negrín R, Duboy J, Iñiguez M, et al. Robotic-assisted vs conventional surgery in medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: a clinical and radiological study. Knee Surg Relat Res 2021;33(1):5. doi: 10.1186/s43019-021-00087-2 [published Online First: 2021/02/14]
About Smith+Nephew
Smith+Nephew is a portfolio medical technology business focused on the repair, regeneration and replacement of soft and hard tissue. We exist to restore people’s bodies and their self-belief by using technology to take the limits off living. We call this purpose ‘Life Unlimited’. Our 18,000 employees deliver this mission every day, making a difference to patients’ lives through the excellence of our product portfolio, and the invention and application of new technologies across our three global business units of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine & ENT and Advanced Wound Management.
Founded in Hull, UK, in 1856, we now operate in more than 100 countries, and generated annual sales of $5.5 billion in 2023. Smith+Nephew is a constituent of the FTSE100 (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN). The terms ‘Group’ and ‘Smith+Nephew’ are used to refer to Smith & Nephew plc and its consolidated subsidiaries, unless the context requires otherwise.
For more information about Smith+Nephew, please visit and follow us on X, LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook.
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◊ Trademark of Smith+Nephew. Certain marks registered in US Patent and Trademark Office.
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