Muck Rack Introduces New AI Monitoring, Reporting and Analysis Features for Advanced Insights, Incre
Miami, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Muck Rack, the leading provider of award-winning PR software built for how brands and agencies work, today introduced new features that leverage AI and human intelligence, to provide advanced insights, improved workflow capabilities and customized experiences for its customers.
The new features and services enhance Muck Rack’s platform, which has been purposely built with public relations and communications professionals in mind to streamline the PR workflow. Most of the features are available now, with a few more set to launch by the end of the year:
- PR Hit Score is a proprietary metric that helps users easily understand which mentions are most important to their coverage based on a set of customizable values, including the outlet’s importance, journalist influence and article engagement and influence, among others. It can be used to help customers identify the press hits worth responding to and which to highlight to stakeholders, and to report on the overall quality of their coverage.
- Interactive Presentations allow users to easily build and customize on-brand reports and instantly share them with stakeholders to highlight the outcomes of PR efforts. The new format offers more branding and design control, new slide templates, more export options and the ability for stakeholders without a Muck Rack login to drill into graphs and charts to view the details powering the reporting.
- Topics in Reporting uses proprietary AI and machine-learning technology to extrapolate the meaning of a piece of coverage, so the user can better understand what conversations and trends are associated with their business. Enhanced data and interactive visualizations help customers identify media opportunities, steer the conversation around their brand and track potential reputational threats.
- Muck Rack API allows programmatic access to Muck Rack article data for off-platform use with an organization’s internal systems, such as data lakes and business intelligence software, so users can marry data from disparate sources for analysis and insight.
- Managed services: Muck Rack can partner closely with brands to provide insights about reputation and coverage via curated newsletters, analytics reports and executive digests. Curated newsletters are a daily selection of earned media coverage, while analytics reports provide qualitative and quantitative insights on monthly, quarterly or annual media performance. Digests offer ready-to-share news summaries and sentiment analysis to help stakeholders gain a deeper understanding of their commnication’s team’s work and what it means for the business.
- Print magazine monitoring: Customers will be notified the moment their brand is mentioned in a print magazine and access the full text and full page clip as it appears in the magazine. Muck Rack will monitor leading magazines from publishers like Condé Nast and Hearst, spanning nearly every category from automotive, fashion & beauty, entertainment and music to travel, home, business & technology, sports and news.
“For the past 15 years, Muck Rack has been known for delivering the value our customers want and need to tell their stories, and we’re moving toward the future, together,” said Gregory Galant, cofounder and CEO of Muck Rack. “Today, with the power of AI and machine learning, we can surface insights and recommend actions to empower our customers to uncover opportunities and tell the full story of how PR impacts business growth.”
Muck Rack is also introducing two new sets of subscription packages–one designed specifically for how brands work and the other designed specifically for how agencies work. Customers can choose from Muck Rack Starter, Muck Rack Standard or Muck Rack Premier to access the PR software best suited for their business.
“These subscription packages allow for flexibility and customization to serve customers across the spectrum, from global brands to emerging businesses, to agencies of all sizes and single practitioners,” added Galant. “And for those enterprises looking for the most advanced and innovative features, we’ve created the Premier package, which will offer the most flexibility, advanced insights and exclusive access to the very best of Muck Rack ingenuity.”
Muck Rack is constantly making significant enhancements to its software as part of its ongoing commitment to solve customer problems. Most recently it expanded its global media monitoring to more than 600,000 sources, enriched its platform with AI and machine learning to drive efficiency, and introduced advanced analytics and reporting capabilities. Last month, it announced it had acquired Keyhole to integrate social listening into its platform to give customers access to deeper insights into how their brand is perceived on social media.
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About Muck Rack
Muck Rack is the leading provider of award-winning PR software built for how brands and agencies work. The only public relations software powered by intuitive technology and the most accurate, comprehensive data provided by journalists themselves, Muck Rack combines media database, monitoring and reporting for seamless team collaboration, pitching and measurement. Purpose-built for communications and public relations, Muck Rack helps more than 5,000 companies worldwide analyze and report on the impact of their media relations. Thousands of journalists use Muck Rack’s free tools to showcase their portfolios, analyze news about any topic and measure the impact of their stories. Learn more at
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