Nasdaq Rises to 5th in RiskTech100 Global Ranking Following Launch of Financial Technology Division
Announcement comes ahead of the first anniversary of Nasdaq’s acquisition of Adenza
Nasdaq also wins two awards for its financial crime management and regulatory reporting technology
NEW YORK, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) today announced it has jumped to 5th place in Chartis’ annual RiskTech100® global ranking and has won two awards for its financial crime management and regulatory reporting technology. The news comes less than a year after Nasdaq’s acquisition of Adenza and the establishment of its Financial Technology division. Today, as a scaled platform partner Nasdaq draws on deep industry experience, technology leadership and cloud managed services to help 3,500+ banks, brokers, regulators, central banks, financial infrastructure operators, and buy-side firms solve their most complex operational challenges across risk, compliance, and trade management.
Chartis’ annual RiskTech100® awards and ranking is widely regarded as the most comprehensive independent study of the world’s major players in risk and compliance technology. In 2023 Nasdaq ranked #18 while Adenza placed #10, with this year’s position reflecting the combined power of its technology offering.
“This is a remarkable achievement less than one year into the integration,” said Tal Cohen, President of Nasdaq. “The financial services industry faces a series of challenges through increased regulatory scrutiny, ongoing market reforms, and ever more sophisticated financial crime, alongside accelerated technology innovation. Our customers consistently tell us that they value the opportunity to partner with brands that they trust, that are highly regulated themselves and can offer insight and expertise beyond the platforms they provide. We welcome the opportunity to support our clients at such a pivotal moment for the industry, and I’m proud to see our achievements recognized by Chartis.”
Sid Dash, Chief Researcher at Chartis Research, added: “Nasdaq’s acquisitions, individually and collectively, provide comprehensive coverage of the transaction lifecycle, and are appropriately supported with a strong technology and service framework. Indeed, the breadth of its capabilities has moved it into the top five in the risk technology space.”
A comprehensive portfolio of mission-critical technology
Nasdaq’s Capital Markets Technology is deeply embedded into client workflows and serves as the backbone of the capital market operations it underpins, serving as one of the world's largest market infrastructure technology providers to more than 130 financial market operators globally, including over half of the world's largest exchanges. In addition, Nasdaq Calypso is a truly global front-to-back trade management, multi-asset class platform - spanning trading, clearing, risk management and post-trade processing - with particular strength in OTC products.
Nasdaq’s Regulatory Technology solutions play a critical role in protecting trust and integrity across the global financial system, helping clients efficiently and effectively comply with an extensive range of regulatory requirements in an increasingly complex and rapidly evolving environment.
Nasdaq AxiomSL is a comprehensive regulatory reporting and compliance platform, helping clients comply with requirements across 55 countries and 110 regulators. Nasdaq’s market and trade surveillance technology helps firms detect and prevent market abuse across an extensive network of regulators, exchanges, digital assets marketplaces and market participants. Its cloud-based anti-financial crime technology, Nasdaq Verafin, integrates, resolves, and enriches data from hundreds of data sources and thousands of institutions representing more than $9 trillion in collective assets, to help firms more effectively detect fraud and combat criminal activity.
With Nasdaq’s technology used by 97% of global systematically important banks, half of the world’s top 25 stock exchanges, 35 central banks and regulatory authorities, it touches a significant portion of the global financial system daily.
Nasdaq’s ranking also included an assessment of their Nasdaq Boardvantage® board management software, Nasdaq Metrio™ sustainability reporting platform, and Sustainable Lens™ ESG AI Research and Benchmarking solution. More details on the products and services can be found here.
Nasdaq wins two awards for financial crime and regulatory reporting technology
Alongside the RiskTech100 ranking, Chartis announced Nasdaq has won two industry awards for Managed Services: Financial Crime and Regulatory Reporting: Markets and Securities.
The award for Managed Services: Financial Crime recognizes Nasdaq Verafin’s leadership in financial crime management, emphasizing its comprehensive suite of anti-money laundering and fraud detection solutions for a large client base. Its unified platform combines financial crime solutions into one service, with scalable architecture serving a broad range of banks.
The Regulatory Reporting: Markets and Securities award highlights Nasdaq’s leadership in regulatory reporting through AxiomSL, noting its extensive multi-jurisdictional, multi-market reporting, and expertise in adapting to complex regulatory requirements.
About Nasdaq
Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) is a leading global technology company serving corporate clients, investment managers, banks, brokers, and exchange operators as they navigate and interact with the global capital markets and the broader financial system. We aspire to deliver world-leading platforms that improve the liquidity, transparency, and integrity of the global economy. Our diverse offering of data, analytics, software, exchange capabilities, and client-centric services enables clients to optimize and execute their business vision with confidence. To learn more about the company, technology solutions, and career opportunities, visit us on LinkedIn, on X @Nasdaq, or at
Nasdaq Media Contact:
Andrew Hughes
+44 (0)7443 100896
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