Nexif Ratch Energy Secures Financial Close for Its 145MWp Bacolod Solar Power Project in the Philipp
METRO MANILA, Philippines, Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Nexif Ratch Energy, a leading independent power producer focused on renewable energy solutions, is thrilled to announce the financial close of its 145MWp Bacolod Solar Power Project, its second solar power project in the Philippines.
The Bacolod Solar Power Project, developed by Negros PH Solar Inc, is located across Bacolod City and Bago City in the Negros Occidental province. It is a 145 MWp ground-mounted solar photovoltaic project that will connect to NGCP’s Bacolod Substation and can potentially power to up to 52,600 households. Majority of its output will be sold through a 10-year Power Supply Agreement to a subsidiary of Aboitiz Power Corporation, with the remainder to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market.
The project investment of more than US$100m is funded by equity from Nexif Ratch Energy and project finance facilities from Security Bank Corporation and Philippine National Bank on a limited recourse basis, with SB Capital Investment Corporation acting as the Mandated Lead Arranger and Bookrunner and PNB Capital and Investment Corporation acting as Arranger.
Construction is set to begin in October 2024, with the goal of achieving commercial operations by Q4 2025. Focus is now on an expansion on the existing site, through increased solar PV capacity of up to 20 MW and a Battery Energy Storage System.
Beyond its Calabanga and Bacolod solar projects, Nexif Ratch Energy is developing wind energy projects including the San Miguel Bay Project, a nearshore wind project with a capacity of up to 500 MW and the Lucena Project, an offshore wind project with a capacity of up to 475 MW.
Mr Surender Singh, Chairman of Nexif Ratch Energy, said “The successful financial close of our 145MWp Bacolod Solar Farm highlights the exceptional collaboration with our partners and the dedication of our local development team. We are excited to bring this project into construction. This Financial Close, in quick succession to start of commercial operations of Calabanga Solar project and rapid progress that more than 900 MW of the wind projects, showcase our commitment to Philippine renewable energy.”
Mr. Sakarin Tangkavachiranon, Director of Nexif Ratch Energy, added: “Reaching financial close for the 145 MWp NPSI solar project is a key milestone in our growth in the Philippines. This achievement, along with the start of commercial operations for our CARE solar project, lays a strong foundation for accelerating the development of our offshore wind projects in the country.”
For more information, please visit
About Nexif Ratch Energy:
Nexif Ratch Energy is a renewable energy company that originates, acquires, develops, constructs, and operates power projects in the Asia Pacific region. Headquartered in Singapore with regional offices across Southeast Asia, the Company has a 298 MW portfolio of operating and under construction hydro, solar and wind assets and a development pipeline of wind, solar, and energy storage projects totaling 3.5 GW.
Nexif Ratch Energy is owned 51% by Nexif Energy (Singapore) and 49% by RATCH Group (Thailand).
Media Contact:
Chariya Poopisit
Nexif Ratch Energy
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