Celebrating 25 Years: Trust, Service, and Innovation continue to drive the future of Deriv
- Deriv sets sight on global expansion, innovation, and a new era of leadership as it marks a major quarter-of-a-century milestone.
- New CSR framework launched to serve local and global communities through action-based sustainable and scalable initiatives.
Key milestones in Deriv's 25 Year Journey
CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Deriv, a renowned broker in the financial industry is celebrating its 25th anniversary today, marking a quarter-century of growth and industry leadership. This milestone comes on the heels of exciting developments for the company, including a new co-leadership model, the opening of new offices in the UK and Senegal and several prestigious awards.
Deriv has grown into a global leader in the online trading industry, currently serving over 2.5 million clients worldwide, and a $650B+ monthly volume. Its commitment to innovation has seen the company introduce new trading platforms, diverse asset classes, and comprehensive educational resources.
Deriv Founder and CEO Jean-Yves Sireau with co-CEO Rakshit Choudhary
“Today is a big day for Deriv. When I step back and look at how much we have grown and achieved since we started out 25 years ago, there is a lot of pride in our successes”, said Jean-Yves Sireau. “This is exactly what keeps us focused on everything Deriv wants to achieve in the next 25 years."
Technology - especially AI and automation tools - will continue to be a critical factor in future-proofing Deriv's operations for 2025 and beyond. The focus is on making systems more secure, protecting customer data, and staying compliant with regulations. These innovations will continue to give customers the best experience possible, ensuring Deriv remains competitive in a fast-changing digital world.
Key highlights from Deriv's 25th anniversary year:
- Adopting a Dual Leadership model: Deriv undertook a huge shift in its management structure, promoting Rakshit Choudhary from COO to co-CEO alongside Deriv's founder, Jean-Yves Sireau. The strategic change capitalised on the different strengths and diverse experience of the two leaders improving critical decision-making for the company as it doubled down on its growth strategy.
- 2024 Emerges as the Year of Award Wins: Reinforcing its successes, Deriv picked up awards for its products including ‘Affiliate Programme of the Year' at the recent Forex Expo Dubai, ‘Best Customer Support' at the Global Forex Awards and ‘Most Trusted Broker' and ‘Best Trading Experience (LATAM)' at the Ultimate Fintech Global Awards 2024.
- Accreditations for its Investment in People: Deriv was recognised as a top employer, receiving prestigious accreditations including ‘Investors in People Platinum' and ‘Great Place to Work' certifications across seven offices, named one of ‘Cyprus's Best Workplaces™ 2024' and ‘Best Workplaces™ in Financial Services and Insurance 2024' in the UK.
- Global Office Expansion: Deriv opened a second office in the UK (London), along with establishing a new office in Rwanda.
"Being recognised for our commitment to trust and service in our 25th year is especially meaningful," said Rakshit Choudhary, co-CEO at Deriv. With our eyes firmly set on global expansion, our people and our values will continue to steer us on our mission to make trading accessible to anyone, anywhere.”
Making a Pledge to a Sustainable Future
As part of its commitment to the future, Deriv has set out a long-term vision for social responsibility. Its purpose is to support projects that contribute to global sustainability and community well-being.
Deriv sponsors Kahuna's Patagonia mission in January 2024
Initiatives in 2024 included:
- Aided TECHO a youth-led nonprofit in Asunción, Paraguay, focused on housing solutions for communities
- Collaborated with DuHope, a Rwandan NGO helping women in need of support
- Supported Puttinu Cares, a children's cancer support group in Malta
- Backed the Kahuna Patagonia expedition, which combined adventurous endeavours with scientific, environmental research.
“Beyond 2024, Deriv will expand its social responsibility initiatives across the regions where it operates. We are committed to creating a better future, making a positive impact by serving local and global communities through action-based, scalable and sustainable initiatives," added Sireau.
Looking Ahead: Preparing for the Next 25 Years
As Deriv reflects on its incredible history, the company is ready to continue pushing boundaries for another 25 years and beyond. With a future-proof leadership model, client-centric focus, and an eye for innovation, Deriv is well-positioned for the next era of growth.
About Deriv
For 25 years, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 300 assets across popular markets on award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. The company's dedication to innovation and client satisfaction has earned it numerous accolades, including the recent ‘Best Customer Service' award at the Global Forex Awards.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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