Boehringer Ingelheim and WHO Foundation join forces to promote equitable access to healthcare and in
Boehringer Ingelheim, a biopharmaceutical company active in both human and animal health, in partnership with WHO Foundation, today pledged USD 5 million to advance access to quality healthcare services for all, with a special focus on vulnerable populations in the Americas who are at greater risk of suicide.
Through this partnership with the WHO Foundation, Boehringer Ingelheim will provide financial support to WHO's Fourteenth General Program of Work, spanning from 2025 to 2028, contributing to WHO's Investment Round. Additionally, Boehringer Ingelheim and the WHO Foundation will support evidence-based interventions in the Americas to promote equitable access to healthcare and prevent suicide.
“WHO's mission of Health for All can only be achieved with the combined commitment of the public and private sectors. Boehringer Ingelheim recognizes this and is meeting WHO's call to action by making a pledge of predictable and flexible resources,” says WHO Foundation CEO, Anil Soni. "Moreover, by donating to WHO for the first time, Boehringer Ingelheim is broadening the base of WHO's supporters, affirming WHO's essential role to global public health.”
“Limited or no access to help for patients is alarming, especially in underserved communities. We truly look forward to our collaboration with the WHO Foundation and its partners as we want to increase access to life-saving healthcare services," says Médard Schoenmaeckers, Global Head of Corporate Affairs at Boehringer Ingelheim.
The partnership between Boehringer Ingelheim and WHO Foundation aims to elevate the importance of financing equitable healthcare services to address mental health globally. Boehringer Ingelheim has made a long-term commitment to invest in mental health research with the aspiration of redefining healthcare to improve outcomes for people living with serious mental illnesses. Boehringer Ingelheim also supports a range of related private initiatives such as the Friendship Bench, an evidence-based life-saving mental health program in Zimbabwe, which enlists grandmothers as volunteer therapists.
Both WHO Foundation and Boehringer Ingelheim are committed to mobilizing more resources to improve equitable access to mental health. Boehringer Ingelheim hopes that partnering with the WHO Foundation will catalyze greater support from across industry and philanthropy and effectively pool resources to improve outcomes for people worldwide. Together, they aim to create lasting impact, ensuring greater access to care and support for those who need it most.
Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim is a biopharmaceutical company active in both human and animal health. As one of the industry's top investors in research and development, the company focuses on developing innovative therapies that can improve and extend lives in areas of high unmet medical need. Independent since its foundation in 1885, Boehringer takes a long-term perspective, embedding sustainability along the entire value chain. More than 53,500 employees serve over 130 markets to build a healthier, more sustainable, and equitable tomorrow. Learn more at Boehringer Ingelheim - Life Forward | Boehringer Ingelheim (
WHO Foundation
The WHO Foundation is an independent global organization working to improve health equity around the world. We connect donors with those on the frontlines of health challenges to create lasting change. The Foundation forms impactful partnerships and develops innovative ways to fund important health projects. Our goal is to inspire private support and build strong partnerships that advance WHO's mission to improve health and protect vulnerable communities. For more information, visit: WHO Foundation.
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