Acronis and VirtualTech Celebrate the Opening of Escuela Rural Productiva in Mexico to Empower Local
TEPETZINTAN, Mexico, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Acronis Cyber Foundation Program, a set of philanthropic initiatives designed to engage with partners on community development projects and provide volunteering opportunities to team members around the world, is proud to announce the opening of Escuela Rural Productiva (Rural Production School) in Tepetzintan, Mexico. In partnership with Acronis' MSP partner VirtualTech this Foundation Program initiative provides local youth with practical skills and a transformative education in a community-focused setting. The school construction included the completion of two classrooms and the construction of one new classroom which together accommodates 66 students aged 15-19, offering them an opportunity to prepare for their futures both academically and vocationally.
“We are incredibly proud to support the opening of the Escuela Rural Productiva in Tepetzintan alongside our partner VirtualTech,” said Agustin Mella, Acronis General Manager in LATAM. “This project reflects Acronis' commitment to empowering communities through education development. By blending cultural heritage with practical skills, the school offers local youth the tools they need to build a brighter future for themselves and their community, while preserving the rich traditions of the region."
Situated in Tepetzintan, a rural community nestled in the Sierra Nororiental of Puebla, Mexico, the school serves a predominantly Náhuatl-speaking population with a deeply rooted indigenous culture. Serving students from 12 surrounding rural communities, the Escuela Rural Productiva provides a high-quality, culturally relevant education that blends traditional knowledge with modern academic subjects to provide the students with the tools they need to succeed.
Escuela Rural Productiva will prepare students for employment opportunities with a facility that features public and accessible education. Students will not only receive academic education but are also trained in practical skills including traditional agriculture and local crafts, which are essential to the community's way of life.
"We are honored to partner with Acronis in the expansion of Escuela Rural Productiva,” said Omar Navarro, CEO at VirtualTech. “This project is more than just construction of a school for the region, it is a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives and the lasting impact they can have. This objective represents how education can empower youth to build a brighter, more sustainable future for themselves and their communities. By providing students with an education that connects academic knowledge with their cultural roots, we are helping to equip the next generation with the skills and confidence to thrive locally and globally."
While Acronis and VirtualTech co-funded the construction of the educational infrastructure, the project was managed by the Mexican non-profit organization Hábitat Comunal y Vivienda A.C. This non-governmental organization is dedicated to endorsing social change through broad public participation and empowerment. By using architecture as a tool for social transformation, Hábitat Comunal y Vivienda A.C. creates inclusive, community-driven processes that promote sustainable development.
A key component of the Escuela Rural Productiva is its commitment to sustainability. The school's construction utilized eco-friendly materials like locally sourced bamboo and stone, reducing its environmental impact while supporting the local economy and traditional craftsmanship. The bamboo used for the roofing was harvested and treated by the students, further reinforcing the project's sustainable focus and commitment to the school's mission, ensuring that it remains a valuable and long-term asset for future generations.
The students, teachers, local construction workers, and families were all an integral part of the school construction project. Through participatory workshops and planning sessions, the community was actively involved in every phase, from budgeting and material selection to construction and design. Students played a key role throughout, contributing both labor and ideas, while being trained in traditional construction techniques such as bamboo cutting, preservation, and roofing. This hands-on involvement not only provided them with valuable skills tied to their cultural heritage but also fostered a deep sense of ownership and pride in the school's creation.
To celebrate the school opening and assist with the shortage of resources, Acronis and VirtualTech donated three new laptops and fulfilled the stationary needs of the school. These laptops, one for each classroom, will primarily be used by teachers. Currently, Escuela Rural Productiva does not have permanent access to electricity and uses power from adjacent houses. Although teachers will only be able to use the internet and laptops intermittently, it will still enhance educational opportunities for the students. Unlike the two previously built classrooms, the new facility has all the necessary infrastructure for electricity, and the school administration hopes to secure a permanent electricity supply in the near future.
The Acronis Cyber Foundation Program is focused on partnering with other organizations to make a difference together. Acronis invites all businesses, large or small, to engage in joint projects. To join our mission or to learn more, please visit
About Virtual Tech
VirtualTech specializes in risk and vulnerability management, offering tailored solutions to mitigate threats, prevent attacks, and ensure operational continuity. Their team of experts works tirelessly to provide services ranging from ransomware protection, automated vulnerability scanning, to advanced backups.
About Hábitat Comunal y Vivienda A.C
Hábitat Comunal y Vivienda A.C. is a non-profit organization founded by architects Mariana Ordóñez Grajales and Jesica Amescua Carrera in Mexico City, dedicated to addressing architecture through the lens of social justice and gender equity. As a women-led team, they challenge patriarchal and colonial practices that marginalize communities. Embracing Participatory Architecture and Social Production of Habitat, we place residents at the center of decision-making. By rejecting top-down practices, we promote collaboration, knowledge exchange, and intercultural respect, transforming architecture into a tool for social empowerment.
About Acronis
Acronis is a global cyber protection company that provides natively integrated cybersecurity, data protection, and endpoint management for managed service providers (MSPs), small and medium businesses (SMBs), and enterprise IT departments. Acronis solutions are highly efficient and designed to identify, prevent, detect, respond, remediate, and recover from modern cyberthreats with minimal downtime, ensuring data integrity and business continuity. Acronis offers the most comprehensive security solution on the market for MSPs with its unique ability to meet the needs of diverse and distributed IT environments.
A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses. Learn more at
VirtualTech Press Contact:
Sthefania Arciniega
Marketing manager
Acronis Press Contact:
Julia Carfagno
Global Communications Manager
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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