QuEra Computing announces investment from key strategic partner to accelerate development of large-s
BOSTON, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - QuEra Computing today announced an investment in QuEra by Google Quantum AI. The investment marks a significant milestone in QuEra's journey to develop and make available useful, scalable and fault-tolerant quantum computers and affirms the recent significant technical progress made by the company. The investment builds on a collaboration with Harvard and MIT, based on the groundbreaking research led by the laboratories of Mikhail Lukin, Vladan Vuletic, and Markus Greiner. Google Quantum AI's investment in QuEra's neutral atom technology adds to its portfolio of primary work in superconducting qubits.
For QuEra, the investment will help to accelerate technology advancements in the neutral atom space, such as developing quantum error correction capabilities needed to deliver quantum computing solutions and delivering additional capabilities outlined in QuEra's strategic roadmap, publicly announced in January 2024.
“Google Quantum AI's strategic investment in QuEra, which we recently closed, is a testament to the strength of our technology, our world-class team, and our long-term partnerships with Harvard and MIT. This investment from Google Quantum AI, coupled with an additional financing initiative to be announced in the coming weeks, allows us to execute on our vision and company strategy, and positions us as the recognized market leader for neutral atom-based quantum computing solutions,” said Andy Ory, Interim Chief Executive Officer of QuEra. “Google Quantum AI is a leader in quantum computing and this investment recognizes the potential of different quantum computing technologies, and specifically QuEra's leading neutral-atom technology.”
QuEra's quantum solutions are being developed for use cases in important verticals such as Materials, Chemicals, Life Sciences/Pharma, Government, Financial Services, and other compute-intensive industries, and may be used to enable novel AI/Machine Learning capabilities. QuEra invites interested parties to learn more about our quantum computing initiatives or to contact us directly for partnership opportunities. For additional information, please visit www.quera.com.
About QuEra
QuEra Computing is the leader in developing and productizing quantum computers using neutral atoms, widely recognized as a highly promising quantum computing modality. Based in Boston and built on pioneering research from Harvard University and MIT, QuEra operates the world's largest publicly accessible quantum computer, available over a major public cloud and for on-premises delivery. QuEra is developing useful, scalable and fault-tolerant quantum computers to tackle classically intractable problems, becoming the partner of choice in the quantum field. Simply put, QuEra is the best way to quantum. For more information, visit us at quera.com and follow us on X or LinkedIn.
Media Contact
Merrill Freund
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