STAR Systems International Announces Full Regulatory Approval for Titan Pro Reader in Brazilian Toll
SINGAPORE, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Titan Pro, a next-generation high-performance reader from STAR Systems International, has received both the ANATEL and ARTEFATO certifications and is now fully approved for use in Multi-Lane Free Flow applications in Brazil’s tolling systems.
STAR System’s Titan Pro is purposefully built for high-speed tolling and Multi-Lane Free Flow operations with a unique discrete software radio design and simultaneous protocol-reading capabilities. As a next-generation cognitive reader, the Titan Pro can adapt to its operating environment, ensuring accuracy in ever-changing outdoor environments. In addition, the Titan Pro can easily provide full coverage for multiple lanes with its four high-performance antenna ports.
Receiving both the ANATEL and ARTEFATO certifications validates that the Titan Pro meets the highest safety, quality, and performance standards required by Brazilian regulators in road usage charging applications.
“The Titan Pro reader provides the accuracy, dependability, and security required for Open Road and Free Flow operations utilizing Brazil’s ARTEFATO Protocol and security. This guarantees highly efficient and reliable roadside transactions for toll agencies across Brazil,” stated Stephen Lockhart, CTO of STAR Systems.
Additionally, STAR Systems has successfully completed multiple pilot projects in Rio de Janeiro, São Paolo, Minas Gerais, and other locations throughout Brazil. The positive results from these pilot projects demonstrate the capabilities and effectiveness of the Titan Pro in Multi-Lane Free Flow applications. The success of these pilot projects, along with receiving the ANATEL and ARTEFATO certifications, position STAR Systems to accelerate its growth and market share not only in Brazil, but throughout Latin America.
For more information about the Titan Pro and other innovative automatic vehicle identification products and solutions, contact STAR Systems at
About STAR Systems International
Founded in 2013, STAR Systems International is a world leader in Automatic Vehicle Identification Technologies. STAR Systems focuses on providing best-in-class transponders, readers and professional consulting services for Smart City Initiatives, including Electronic Tolling (ETC), Congestion/Road Use Charging, Electronic Vehicle Registration (EVR), Express/HOT Lane, Fleet Management, Parking and Secure Access Control applications.
STAR Systems strives to ensure customer success by leveraging the Company’s technical expertise and implementation experience. For more information, please visit
Media Contact
Zhihan Chen
+(1) 469-838-2649
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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