Arcis Capital Partners LLC Renamed As Quartus Capital Partners LLC With Renewed Focus on AI and Tech
NEW YORK, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Quartus Capital Partners LLC, formerly known as Arcis Capital Partners LLC, is unveiling a bold new identity as part of its evolution into an Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology investment firm.
The rebranding as Quartus Capital Partners signifies a renewed focus on AI and technology investments—sectors that are not only burgeoning with innovation but also offer significant opportunities for growth and impact.
"With the rebranding to Quartus Capital Partners, we harness our historical strengths and channel them into new opportunities, allowing us to remain at the leading edge of AI and technology investments," said Afzal M. Tarar, Founder & Managing Partner of Quartus Capital Partners. This new identity is a testament to our enduring commitment to lead and shape the markets of tomorrow by driving innovation and excellence in AI and technology ventures.
Leading with Expertise: The Quartus Edge
Quartus Capital Partners' leadership team boasts over 30 years of expertise in AI and technology, offering unique insights into high-growth potential sectors. As a firm, we don't just invest—we partner with companies, leveraging our deep expertise in growth and performance improvement to unlock their true potential.
Venture Growth Equity Strategy with a Performance Edge
Our strategy goes beyond typical venture investments. Quartus Capital Partners specializes in growth-stage ventures, combining the high-upside potential of venture capital with the downside risk protections usually seen in buyouts. With our deep expertise in growth and performance improvement, we help turn growth-stage ventures into market leaders poised for long-term success.
Transforming Industries, Shaping the Future
“At Quartus, we believe in the power of AI and technology to not only drive financial returns but to create lasting, positive change,” said Afzal M. Tarar, Founder & Managing Partner of Quartus Capital Partners. “We're investing in the future, in companies that are not just part of the AI revolution, but are leading it.”
About Quartus Capital Partners
Quartus Capital Partners is an AI and technology investment firm with partner presence in New York City, Miami, Silicon Valley and Asia. Led by AI pioneers, technologists, and seasoned operators, we specialize in scaling growth-stage technology ventures. Our mission is to create market leaders that will define the future, improve performance across industries and make positive impact.
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