RIOCOCO Triumphs on the Global Stage at the International Business Awards
Chaminda Perera (Managing Director), Nuwan Karunarathne (CFO), Teesha Halamba (VP), Shan Halamba (CEO), Namal Prasanna (Planning Manager)
IRVING, Texas, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - RIOCOCO, a leading provider of sustainable coir-based solutions for horticulture, is thrilled to announce its outstanding achievements at the 21st annual Stevie International Business Awards. The ceremony took place on October 11, 2024, at the InterContinental Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey. The company's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and leadership has been recognized on a global scale, earning a total of six Stevie® Awards across various categories and regions. Jasmin Ortwein presented the RIOCOCO team with the awards.
Shan Halamba, CEO of Ceyhinz Link International Inc., the parent company of RIOCOCO, was honored with the Silver Stevie® Award for Executive of the Year in Manufacturing. His leadership over the last 20 years has resulted in RIOCOCO's continued growth, success, and expansion to 65 countries.
Additionally, RIOCOCO's commitment to sustainability was recognized across multiple regions with the following awards:
- GOLD Stevie® Award – Sustainability Leadership Award (Canada and the U.S.A.)
- GOLD Stevie® Award – Sustainability Leadership Award (Asia, Australia, and New Zealand)
- SILVER Stevie® Award – Sustainability Leadership Award (Europe)
- BRONZE Stevie® Award – Sustainability Leadership Award (Middle East and Africa)
These awards highlight RIOCOCO's leading role in promoting sustainable horticultural practices across different continents, demonstrating that businesses can achieve financial and sustainability goals through innovation and product development initiatives.
The company's Product Development Team also received the GOLD Stevie® Award for Product Development/Management Department of the Year, a testament to their continuous efforts in bringing solutions to market, fostering sustainable growth, and improving the global agricultural landscape.
Shan Halamba, CEO of Ceyhinz Link International Inc., stated, "We are incredibly honoured to be recognized by the International Business Awards. These awards reflect the hard work and dedication of our entire team in the USA and Sri Lanka. Our mission has always been to lead with innovation and sustainability at the forefront, and we are proud to see this recognized on an international level."
RIOCOCO, a subsidiary of Ceyhinz Link International Inc., is a global brand specializing in sustainable coconut coir-based growing media products for the horticulture industry, with distributors in 65 countries.
The business produces high-quality 100% organic coco-coir growing media for growers of all sizes - from small gardens to some of the largest and most advanced state-of-the art greenhouses around the world.
About the Stevie Awards
The International Business Awards, known as the Stevie® Awards, are one of the world's premier business awards, receiving over 12,000 nominations annually from organizations in more than 70 nations. This year, the awards will honour outstanding workplace performances with 125 companies from 27 countries attending the gala in Istanbul, Turkey. RIOCOCO's success across multiple categories showcases its global impact and leadership in both sustainability and innovation in global horticulture.
Judges include respected executives, entrepreneurs, innovators, and business educators, with over 1,000 professionals participating in the judging process each year. For more information, visit
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