Vicor introduces new high-density automotive-grade power modules
Three new DC-DC converter power modules enable 48V zonal architectures from 800V battery-powered EVs
ANDOVER, Mass., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Vicor has released three automotive-grade power modules, delivering industry-leading power density and accelerating the adoption of 48V zonal architectures. The BCM6135, DCM3735 and PRM3735 support 48V power distribution in vehicles, with 800V-to-48V conversion, 48V regulation and 48V-to-12V regulation and conversion for legacy 12V subsystems.
All three modules can be arrayed to scale up power levels, offering significant power system weight reduction.
About Vicor
Vicor is the leader in high-performance power modules, enabling customer innovation with easy-to-deploy modular power system solutions for power delivery networks that provide the highest density and efficiency from source to point-of-load. We continuously advance the density, efficiency and power delivery capabilities of our power modules by staying on the forefront of distribution architectures, conversion topologies and packaging technology. Vicor serves customers in high-performance computing, industrial equipment, automotive and aerospace and defense markets. With over 40 years of experience in designing, developing and manufacturing power modules for demanding markets, the Vicor patented, high-frequency DC-DC power conversion technology is ideally suited for the automotive market.
Vicor and BCM® are registered trademarks of Vicor Corporation.
DCM™ and PRM™ are trademarks of Vicor Corporation.
For further information:
Steve Germino
Vicor Corporation
978 749-8243
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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