Arthur D. Little Publishes ‘Making Sustainability Sustainable’ – Latest Edition of PRISM Magazine
Arthur D. Little has published Making sustainability sustainable – the latest edition of its strategy and innovation magazine PRISM. Against a backdrop of increasing realism around the scale of change needed to deliver sustainability, the second edition of 2024 explains how businesses can address these challenges and progress in this crucial area.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:
The magazine features seven key articles:
- Adapting to an uncertain future – irrespective of progress in reducing global warming, its impacts are already being felt. Our lead article focuses on the all-important and often neglected imperative for climate change adaptation, and how companies can best move forward.
- Opening the urban mine – lithium-ion batteries are central to the green shift. This article explains how to create profitable circular supply chains to recycle spent batteries, and how similar thinking can be applied for other key materials.
- Getting a grip on decarbonization with effective internal carbon pricing – why now is the time to create and extend internal carbon pricing programs to drive greater sustainability and business agility.
- Making the shift – changing gear in the journey toward sustainable mobility – we outline the high-impact solutions that could double the share of sustainable mobility globally within the next decade.
- Is steel scrap the new gold? – steel production is a major contributor to CO2 emissions, and while new techniques aim to decarbonize the sector they will bring their own challenges around sourcing sufficient raw materials. Where should steelmakers start?
- Accelerating the financing of sustainable aviation fuels – despite growing demand and regulatory pressure around sustainable aviation fuels, a lack of finance is holding back production. This article outlines how to better balance supply and demand.
- Back to the future – based on cutting-edge project work, the article explains what we can learn from initiatives to create energy-harnessing mirrors in space when it comes to technological innovation for sustainability.
Ignacio García Alves, Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arthur D. Little, comments: “Businesses are increasing their commitments to sustainability and decarbonization, but face enormous challenges in terms of the huge costs and wide scope of actions needed to achieve net zero. We explore these issues in our latest edition of PRISM and outline a range of solutions and innovations to help underpin success and make sustainability truly sustainable.”
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