At the Yacht Club de Monaco high-level competitors gather for the 2024 Optimist European Team Racing
MONACO, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With all the 120 races completed on the second day, the 2024 Optimist European Team Racing Championship maintained a sustained pace in the Monegasque waters, just outside the Yacht Club de Monaco. “It is a real privilege to host for the first time this event which brings together young talents from allover Europe. We are impressed by the intensity of the matches and the level of commitment of each team,” said Bernard d'Alessandri, General Secretary of the YCM. “The Monegasque waters offer demanding technical conditions, and seeing these young sailors take on this challenge with such determination and passion is inspiring.”
Having concluded the round robin, the Turkish took the first place, the Italians came in second and the Spanish finished the day in 3rd position. Behind this leading trio, the competition did not weaken. The Poles and the Greeks continued to fight to stay in the race for the podium. Ahead of the 64 racers, divided in 16 teams, there are the Gold Round and the Silver Round, followed by semi-finals and finals.
“We feel good, the team is very good, the conditions outside are pretty difficult. We hope to win the competition but it’s gonna be hard,” said the Italian team, formed by Bianca, Anna, Christian and Jesper. “We’re very confident about the race and it’s very important to work as a team, to speak, to look at the conditions. Sometimes it’s difficult to take the start without being blocked but we are doing our best,” said the Monaco team formed by Ludovica, Facundo, Pietro and Océane.
Organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco under the aegis of the International Optimist Dinghy Association and World Sailing, in partnership with FxPro, Monaco Marine and Slam, the Optimist Team Racing European Championship is establishing itself as an unmissable event for the young generation of sailors.
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