STACK Infrastructure Delivers First Data Center in Japan
The 36MW campus in Greater Tokyo’s Inzai District delivers critical capacity to one of APAC's most strategic data center markets
SINGAPORE , Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STACK Infrastructure (“STACK”), the digital infrastructure partner to the world’s most innovative companies and a leading global developer and operator of data centers, announced the completion of the first facility on its new 36MW flagship Tokyo campus. Strategically located in Greater Tokyo’s Inzai District, this new development addresses growing demand for scalable critical capacity in APAC. Developed in partnership between IPI Partners and Oaktree Capital Management, L.P., this facility reflects STACK's commitment to delivering critical digital infrastructure solutions in key hyperscale markets across the globe.
Positioned in the heart of Inzai, a district renowned for its established hyperscale data center market, the 2.3-hectare campus features two purpose-built 18MW buildings, each designed with advanced security and AI-ready capabilities to meet the evolving demands of global technology leaders. Development of the second 18MW facility, TKY01B, is underway. Further bolstering its presence in Japan, STACK is also advancing plans for the 80MW Osaka KIX01 campus, which will provide critical capacity to one of the country’s most important digital infrastructure hubs, supporting hyperscale growth in the region.
“Congratulations for the opening of TKY01 project and welcome STACK Infrastructure to Inzai City,” Kengo Fujishiro, Mayor of Inzai said. “We are looking forward to STACK and Inzai City collaborating as partners in developing a better local community and we sincerely hope that this facility will become a new symbol of Inzai, rooted in the local community.”
The Tokyo campus will not only support technological growth but also contribute significantly to the local economy through job creation and community engagement. STACK and its clients are dedicated to fostering economic development and supporting the social structure of the communities where they operate.
“Our new Tokyo campus exemplifies STACK’s dedication to supporting the rapid growth and reliability needs of our clients in one of the largest and most competitive markets in the Asia Pacific region,” said Preet Gona, CEO, STACK APAC. “This facility not only reinforces our APAC portfolio but also exemplifies our strategic vision and leadership in pioneering next-generation digital infrastructure solutions that are both scalable and sustainable.”
STACK actively supports cloud providers and technological innovators with a comprehensive global portfolio, delivering scalable solutions in key data center markets across the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. In APAC, STACK is strengthening its footprint through key developments outside of Japan, including MEL01, a 180MW, four-building campus in Melbourne, a 28MW facility in Canberra, Australia, and a 48MW facility in Incheon, Seoul. These strategic projects solidify STACK’s presence in APAC’s most critical data center markets.
STACK provides digital infrastructure to scale the world’s most innovative companies. With a client-first approach, STACK delivers a comprehensive suite of campus, build-to-suit, colocation, and powered shell solutions in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC regions. With robust existing and flexible expansion capacity in the leading availability zones, STACK offers the scale and geographic reach that rapidly growing hyperscale and enterprise companies need. The world runs on data. Data runs on STACK.
For more information about STACK, please visit:
Media Contacts
Sammer Khalaf
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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