Tealium recognized in Snowflake’s 2025 Modern Marketing Data Stack Report
Tealium’s CDP integration with Snowflake enables joint customers to leverage real-time data for more effective and relevant customer experience
San Diego, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tealium, one of the largest independent and most trusted customer data platforms (CDPs), today announced that it has been recognized in the Modern Marketing Data Stack 2025: How Leading Marketers Are Thriving In a World Redefined By AI, Privacy and Data Gravity by Snowflake, the AI Data Cloud company.
Tealium was identified in Snowflake’s report as a “One to Watch” in the Customer Data Platform category. As one of the first CDPs to offer an integration with Snowflake’s Snowpipe Streaming API, Tealium enables customers to seamlessly fuel real-time data into Snowflake’s AI Data Cloud, combining it with historical data, and ultimately driving more relevant and personalized customer experiences.
“Our work with Tealium provides marketers with a CDP integration that they need to drive decision making in the Snowflake AI Data Cloud,” said Denise Persson, Chief Marketing Officer at Snowflake. “We look forward to continued momentum in our collaboration to further shape the future of martech.”
The third annual edition of Snowflake’s Modern Marketing Data Stack report identifies the technologies, tools, and platforms used by Snowflake customers to show how marketers and advertisers can leverage the Snowflake AI Data Cloud with partner solutions to serve existing customers and convert valuable prospects.
“Being named in Snowflake's 2025 Modern Marketing Data Stack Report highlights the valuable impact of combining a CDP with the AI Data Cloud for effective real-time data strategies,” said Matt Gray, Global VP of Partnerships at Tealium. “Our integration with Snowflake streamlines data transfers, driving efficiency and cost savings for our shared customers. We are excited to continue leading the way in modern data management and activation.”
Tealium and Snowflake combine real-time customer data collection with scalable cloud storage and analysis. Through this combination, enterprises create a unified, actionable customer view, combining historical and real-time data to deliver personalized experiences. The integration streamlines workflows, fuels AI initiatives, and maximizes marketing ROI, enabling more informed and privacy-centric decision-making across customer engagement channels.
Learn more about how Tealium and Snowflake are Better Together.
Click here to read the full report, The Modern Marketing Data Stack 2025: How Leading Marketers Are Thriving In a World Redefined By AI, Privacy and Data Gravity.
To keep up with the latest company news, visit Tealium’s Newsroom.
About Tealium
As the most trusted CDP, Tealium connects data so businesses can better connect with their customers. Tealium’s real-time data infrastructure allows brands to power their AI models and activate data for enhanced in-the-moment experiences. Tealium’s turnkey integration ecosystem supports more than 1,300 built-in connections from the world’s most prominent technology experts. Tealium's solutions include a real-time customer data platform with machine learning, tag management, an API hub, and data management solutions that make customer data more valuable, actionable, privacy-compliant, and secure. Named as a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Customer Data Platforms™, more than 850 leading businesses globally trust Tealium to power their customer data strategies. For more information, visit www.tealium.com.
Natalie Passarelli
Tealium Inc.
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