Amlan International Welcomes Pinyo Kantasakorn as Regional Sales Manager – Asia Pacific
Pinyo Kantasakorn Joins Amlan International
Amlan International Welcomes Pinyo Kantasakorn as Regional Sales Manager – Asia Pacific
CHICAGO, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amlan International, a leading innovator in mineral-based feed additives for poultry and livestock production, is excited to announce the appointment of Mr. Pinyo Kantasakorn as Regional Sales Manager for the Asia Pacific region. With extensive experience in sales in the animal nutrition sector, Pinyo will play a vital role in driving Amlan’s growth and expanding its market presence in the Asia Pacific region.
Pinyo brings over 18 years of strategic sales experience, having held key roles focused on animal nutrition and feed products. Most recently, he served as National Sales Manager at a European specialty chemicals company, where he managed numerous sales and marketing activities, achieving impressive annual growth rates for multiple products.
His responsibilities will include sales management, where he will be accountable for developing new customers and markets, as well as maintaining strong relationships with existing clients. His expertise spans from animal science, customer relationship development, and sales channel management. Additionally, Pinyo will work with various regional partners to enhance Amlan’s reach and service offerings.
Pinyo holds a bachelor's degree in animal science from Kasetsart University and a master's degree in business administration from the National Institute of Development Administration, both in Bangkok, Thailand.
“We are thrilled to welcome Pinyo to our team,” said Dr. Michael Hua, Regional Director Asia Pacific. “His deep industry knowledge and track record in sales will greatly benefit our efforts to deliver innovative mineral technology solutions, including our natural feed additives Calibrin-Z®, Calibrin-A®, and Varium®. Pinyo will be instrumental in the launch of Phylox®, our natural anticoccidial feed additive, to the Asia Pacific region.”
Dr. Wade Robey, President of Amlan International, commented, “Pinyo’s knowledge base and strategic insight will be key as we continue to expand our footprint in this vital region. We look forward to him driving our sales initiatives and enhancing customer satisfaction.”
About Amlan International
Amlan International is the animal health business of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, a leading global manufacturer and marketer of sorbent minerals. Oil-Dri leverages over 80 years of expertise in mineral science to selectively mine and process its unique mineral for consumer and business-to-business markets. Oil-Dri Corporation of America doing business as “Amlan International” is a publicly traded stock on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ODC). Amlan International sells feed additives across the world. Product availability may vary by country; associated claims do not constitute medical claims and may differ based on government requirements. For more information on Amlan International, please visit
Contact: Reagan Culbertson, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, B2B
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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