The clock is ticking on Activeport's $5.3 Million Rights Issue
Activeport Rights Issue offer is now available.
The clock is ticking on the Activeport Rights Issue with firms bids due by Friday 1 November.
SYDNEY, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Activeport Group (ASX: ATV) has announced a significant financial move by launching a rights issue aimed at raising $5.3 million to bolster their software and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business ventures.
In an attractive offer, shares are being made available at a 50% discount, providing an enticing opportunity for investors. As part of this initiative, shareholders will receive one free option for every three shares they purchase. The clock is ticking with firms bids due by Friday 1 November.
- 3 for 4 Renounceable Rights Issue to raise up to $5.3 million
- Attractively priced at 2 cents per share
- Discount of 50% to the September 30-day VWAP
- With every 3 New Shares, shareholders receive 1 free attaching New Option
- New Options will have Exercise Price of 10 cents, term of 3 years
- Shareholders can trade their rights and apply for additional shares and options
- Rights to start trading from December 2024
The funds raised from the rights issue will be strategically utilised to strengthen Activeport's balance sheet and provide working capital for accelerating growth. This capital injection will support hiring additional staff to enhance operations, expanding the SaaS portfolio and broadening the company's global market presence.
With a high gross margin exceeding 90% on its software products, Activeport has the potential to deliver significant shareholder returns, as its recurring revenue base grows. The company targets a deep global market, focusing on telecommunications and data centres, which delivers significant revenue per customer. And with cutting-edge GPU orchestration software optimised for the technically demanding cloud gaming industry, Activeport is perfectly positioned to tackle the emerging artificial intelligence market using the same advanced software.
“Activeport has achieved profitability and established itself as a leading vendor of orchestration software for networks, data centres, cloud gaming, and artificial intelligence. We have significant projects underway in Asia, India, and the Middle East and an extensive pipeline of new opportunities in front of us.” Chairman Peter Christie stated “This fundraising will provide a solid foundation on which we can grow our recurring revenue base to achieve consistent, positive free cash flow. I look forward to continued shareholder support as we advance Activeport to the next level and deliver value for shareholders.”
In addition, this week Activeport announced a strategic partnership with Australia's FibreconX to orchestrate services across its new national dark fibre network. By integrating FibreconX with Activeport’s automation software, customers can create self-service networks that connect customers in Australia’s major commercial centres to all the major national data centres. This partnership empowers enterprise customers to build new networks that redefine speed, cost efficiency, flexibility, and connectivity in this era of AI.
For more information on the Rights Issue, check the recent Activeport ASX announcements on the website- Link here. Activeport also held a webinar 16 October 2024 which is now available to view on YouTube.
About Activeport
Headquartered in Australia, Activeport develops automation software and customer self-service portals for global telecommunication providers. The Activeport product suite enables network automation, minimising operational costs, accelerating ‘time to revenue; and improving customer experience.
For more information:
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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