ORBCOMM launches first native satellite tracker for advanced OGx network
Simple, efficient and solar-powered, the SC 1000 is designed to make satellite IoT asset visibility easier and more economical.
ROCHELLE PARK, N.J., Oct. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - ORBCOMM today announced the release of the SC 1000 satellite IoT tracking device—the first terminal developed for its next-generation satellite service, OGx. The SC 1000 installs in minutes and provides intelligent visibility and satellite tracking in an affordable, compact, rugged, solar-powered package, helping enable a wider range of satellite IoT applications.
The SC 1000 is designed to give IoT solution providers the opportunity to drive new revenue streams and growth in high-value industrial markets with applications that include:
- Improving agricultural production output and asset utilization
- Enhancing maritime shipping and rail cargo safety and security
- Supporting responsible fishing practices
- Reducing the environmental impact of resource extraction in mining
- Managing and tracking multi-modal global supply chains
The OGx network is engineered to reduce device power consumption, allowing the SC 1000 to perform efficiently with a compact solar panel and battery. Further advancements in hardware design, engineering and manufacturing have contributed to the device’s smaller size and cost-effectiveness relative to ORBCOMM’s other satellite terminals.
“Many of our customers want to monitor their assets by satellite, but it was too expensive for some use cases,” said David Roscoe, EVP and GM of ORBCOMM’s Satellite IoT line of business. “The SC 1000 and OGx network will put satellite tracking within reach for a wider range of applications in transportation, heavy equipment, maritime and more. And it’s ideal for our reseller and systems integrator partners to use in cost-effective IoT solutions across a variety of industries.”
One of ORBCOMM’s first SC 1000 customers, Ecoinsoft in Cambodia, is using the device to bring satellite monitoring to vessels where it was previously unfeasible—small fishing boats. “We had been looking for a way to bring tracking solutions to these fleets, but they were always too expensive or needed a power source, which these vessels don’t have,” said Soveng Mao, CEO at Ecoinsoft. “The SC 1000 was a natural fit, as it’s completely autonomous and cost-effective.”
Beyond simple asset tracking, the SC 1000 can generate data to monitor and assess utilization and dwell times, helping improve asset productivity. It’s also compatible with ORBCOMM wireless door sensors for enhanced asset security.
The wireless, autonomous device can be installed on virtually any type of equipment in minutes, and it’s resistant to dust, shock, water and vibration for deployment in some of the world’s harshest conditions.
It reports data to the ORBCOMM platform or through APIs for solution providers who want to build new IoT applications with their own platforms.
For more information, visit the SC 1000 webpage.
ORBCOMM is a pioneer in IoT technology, empowering customers with insight to make data-driven decisions that help them optimize their operations, maximize profitability and build a more sustainable future. With 30 years of experience and one of the most comprehensive solution portfolios in the industry, ORBCOMM enables the management of over a million assets worldwide for a diverse customer base spanning transportation, supply chain, heavy equipment, maritime, natural resources and government. For more information about how ORBCOMM is driving the evolution of industry through the power of data, visit www.orbcomm.com.
ORBCOMM Media Contact
Lina Paerez, SVP of Global Marketing and Communications
+1 613.875.1485
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/e75876f1-2d16-4071-a6e3-ef8a59227345
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