Singtel and Western Union Announce Agreement on Sale of Dash
Singtel and Western Union today announce that they have signed a conditional agreement on the sale of Dash. The sale is subject to regulatory approvals. Dash customers will continue to have access to all existing services in the meantime.
Dash is Singapore’s leading all-in-one mobile wallet that lets customers pay, remit, save, invest and insure from one app. Launched in 2014, it has over 1.4 million users and is available to everyone regardless of their telco or banking relationship. The sale is part of Singtel’s ongoing measures to simplify its structure and portfolio to boost innovation and growth opportunities.
Ms Anna Yip, Deputy CEO of Singtel Singapore, said, “In line with our Group’s Singtel28 strategy to focus on our core business and competencies, we have decided that Western Union is best placed to bring Dash to the next level. We will work closely with Western Union to ensure that our Dash customers and business partners continue to be well-supported and the transition is seamless.”
Dash is one of the most inclusive digital financial solutions in Singapore today. Today’s announcement aligns to Western Union’s purpose to provide accessible financial services to aspiring populations worldwide. It underscores Western Union’s Evolve 2025 strategy to expand its financial ecosystem, as well as double its digital business by focusing on product innovation and scalable market investments.
Sohini Rajola, Head of Asia Pacific at Western Union said, “We are excited to have the opportunity to welcome Dash to Western Union and are working collaboratively with Singtel to secure regulatory approvals. Our business in Singapore is a unique blend of branded digital services and owned locations, serving citizens and residents across the country. This strategic move accelerates our Evolve 2025 vision and strengthens our global digital capabilities.”
Evercore Asia (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. acted as exclusive corporate finance adviser to Singtel on this transaction.
About Singtel
Singtel is a leading Asian communications technology group, operating next-generation connectivity, digital infrastructure and digital businesses including regional data centre arm Nxera and regional IT services arm NCS. The Group has presence in Asia, Australia and Africa and reaches over 780 million mobile customers in 21 countries.
For consumers, Singtel delivers a complete and integrated suite of services, including mobile, broadband and TV. For enterprises, Singtel offers a complementary array of workforce mobility solutions, data hosting, cloud, network infrastructure, analytics and cyber security capabilities.
Singtel is dedicated to continuous innovation, harnessing technology to create new and exciting customer experiences, support enterprises in their digital transformation and shape a more sustainable, digital future.
For more information, visit
About Western Union
The Western Union Company (NYSE: WU) is committed to helping people around the world who aspire to build financial futures for themselves, their loved ones and their communities. Our leading cross-border, cross-currency money movement, payments and digital financial services empower consumers, businesses, financial institutions and governments—across more than 200 countries and territories and over 130 currencies—to connect with billions of bank accounts, millions of digital wallets and cards, and a global footprint of hundreds of thousands of retail locations. Our goal is to offer accessible financial services that help people and communities prosper.
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