Arthur D. Little Appoints 9 New Partners Across Global Offices
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Arthur D. Little (ADL) today announced the election of nine new Partners across its offices and practices globally.
Promoting internal talent is a core value at ADL, and these recent promotions reflect the firm’s dedication to its people and their ongoing development. All the new Partners have showcased an impressive blend of sector knowledge and client expertise, supported by a strong grasp of market dynamics and a commitment to delivering value.
The latest promotions to Partner are as follows:
- Elisabetta Cafforio, Telecom, IT, Media & Electronics Practice, Rome. With strong expertise in telecoms & media regulation, Elisabetta heads ADL’s Strategic Advisory Services for Competition and Regulation (SASCAR) Competence Center. She has successfully led and worked on a range of telecoms strategic regulatory projects in multiple countries and regions as well as M&A projects in the fixed and mobile telecommunication and media space.
- Francesco Cotrone, Travel & Transportation Practice, Dubai. Francesco is a major contributor to the land logistics and postal platform in the Middle East and India, as well as being a major contributor to the Transformation practice in the region, with a significant focus on organization and human capital. He has contributed to an extensive range of ADL thought-leadership pieces around both logistics and transformation.
- Hariprasad Pichai, Telecom, IT, Media & Electronics Practice, Boston. Since joining the US team, Hariprasad has grown the firm’s business within the technology and telecoms sector, advising clients and investors on corporate strategy and growth acceleration as the industry undergoes major disruption. A noted speaker on cloud computing and technology topics, he has presented at external and client events, as well as being frequently quoted in the media.
- John Kim, Growth Practice, Tokyo. John is the digital champion for the Asia cluster, specializing in digital strategy, digital transformation, and advanced technologies such as Web3, Blockchain, and Metaverse. Over the past two years he has initiated and delivered over 20 projects with a digital theme across a range of sectors.
- Michael Papadopoulos, Catalyst, London. Head of Architecture, Security & Compliance within Catalyst, Michael has over 15 years of experience in technology and digital consulting. He is currently responsible for leading the creation of innovative new technology-based product offerings, in areas including technology due diligence, cybersecurity assessment and social listening, which are being successfully delivered to ADL clients globally.
- Naoki Matsuo, Performance Practice, Tokyo. A key member of the Performance practice, Naoki has a proven track record in advising leading organizations in multiple industries, including telecoms and energy & utilities, across a variety of topics, including growth strategy, transformation, and new business planning. He has a solid CXO network and deep knowledge in energy and utilities businesses, especially electricity.
- Paritosh Mukhija, Telecom, IT, Media & Electronics Practice, Dubai. As the co-leader of our activities for Media, Entertainment, and Culture clients in the Middle East region, Paritosh advises both government entities and private companies on strategy, policy making, business planning, and implementation. He has collaborated with ADL colleagues worldwide on diverse projects across 10+ countries.
- Samir Imran, Travel & Transportation Practice, Dubai. Samir heads ADL’s Future of Cities platform and is lead author of the ADL Autonomous Mobility Journal. He advises sovereign wealth funds as well as public and private sector clients on key topics such as investment strategy, operating model, Board governance and next-generation innovation agendas, and has presented at a range of global conferences.
- Tobias Aebi, Energy & Utilities Practice, Dubai. Focused on working in the energy, aerospace and defense sectors, as well as advising on economic development, Tobias has been involved with delivering some of ADL’s landmark national strategy projects in the Middle East. He has been the co-leader of the global Power Generation Competence Center and pivotal in establishing Arthur D. Little’s regional aerospace, defense and security practice.
Ignacio García Alves, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Arthur D. Little, comments, “The strengths and experience of our newly appointed partners demonstrates the enormous talent pool within ADL, and the opportunities the firm provides for development across our global network of offices and practices. As part of our wider team, their experience and capabilities will help our clients transform their strategies and operations, enabling them to seize new opportunities, regardless of the sector they operate in.”
Cate Bonthuys
Catalyst Comms
+44 7715 817589
For further information, please visit
Arthur D. Little today announced the election of nine new Partners across its offices and practices globally.
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