Modelo® Opens First-Ever Ghost Kitchen to Celebrate Día De Los Muertos
A curated menu and sweepstakes help fans celebrate loved ones and raise a Modelo in their honor
CHICAGO, Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In honor of Día de los Muertos, Modelo® is bringing loved ones' recipes back to life by opening its first Ghost Kitchen, giving fans a culinary experience and a chance to “taste the legacy” that inspired each recipe. Located in New York City, the Modelo Ghost Kitchen will feature six dishes created by culinary experts Alfredo Garcia, Pati Jinich and Alejandra Tapia, all inspired by, and in honor of, their loved ones who have passed on.
As an authentic beer born in Mexico nearly 100 years ago, Modelo is dedicated to helping families celebrate their legacies and raise one in honor of their loved ones during Día de los Muertos. The brand is bringing this celebration to life through one of the most treasured ways to remember loved ones: the recipes that have been passed down through generations.
Starting today through Oct. 30, eligible New York City residents age 21+ can enter for a chance to win one of 750 meals* from the Modelo Ghost Kitchen to celebrate the holiday by visiting and entering their information to confirm eligibility. Modelo fans in the eligible delivery radius can purchase the delicious dishes from the Modelo Ghost Kitchen via Uber Eats on Nov. 1 - 2 from noon to 9 p.m. ET while supplies last.
“My grandparents taught me the importance of celebrating the legacy of loved ones during Día de los Muertos, so it’s an honor as a chef to partner with Modelo to spread their stories,” said Pati Jinich. “The first dish is inspired by my grandfather, Francisco, featuring two things he loved most – Modelo Especial and salsa. The second recipe was a favorite of my grandmother, Lotte, who was a spectacular cook and loved to make different types of soup. I know they’ll be proud that we’re sharing our Mexican dishes to help others honor their loved ones while raising a Modelo to those who came before us.”
Each culinary expert provided two dishes that are inspired by their loved ones and are either made with or paired best with Modelo Especial or Modelo Negra. The Modelo Ghost Kitchen menu features:
- Beer Battered Fish Tacos, recipe developed by Alfredo Garcia
- Beer Braised Carnitas Nachos, recipe developed by Alfredo Garcia
- Three Cheese Crusted Quesadillas with Salsa Borracha, recipe developed by Pati Jinich
- Roasted Tomato and Pinto Bean Soup with Masa Dumplings, recipe developed by Pati Jinich
- Carne Asada with Rice and Beans, recipe developed by Alejandra Tapia
- Pollo Asado in a Beer Citrus Marinade, recipe developed by Alejandra Tapia
“These curated dishes are not only inspired by loved ones, but they’re designed to pair perfectly with a Modelo, helping to authentically celebrate the holiday while remembering and honoring their own friends and family who have passed,” said Logan Jensen, Vice President, Brand Marketing, Modelo. “As a brand, Modelo is committed to championing authentic Mexican celebrations and traditions in the United States, and this Día de los Muertos, the Modelo Ghost Kitchen is helping to bring those memories back to life.”
Consumers 21+ outside of New York City can celebrate the holiday and make the meals featured at the Modelo Ghost Kitchen at home. Visit to find the Instacart recipe pages and stock up on all the ingredients to create the recipes and enjoy with an ice-cold Modelo.
For more information, to enter the sweepstakes, or to order from the Modelo Ghost Kitchen, visit
*Prize awarded as $50 Uber Eats Voucher code redeemable 11/1 or 11/2 towards a Modelo Ghost Kitchen Order with Uber Eats. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal U.S. residents residing in the NYC zip codes listed in the Official Rules, 21 or older. Starts 10:00 AM ET on 10/24/24 and ends 11:59 AM ET on 10/30/24. The Modelo Ghost Kitchen Sweepstakes is sponsored by Crown Imports LLC. No alcohol awarded with prizes. Void where prohibited. For complete details, see Official Rules at
About Modelo®
Born in 1925 in the small town of Tacuba, Mexico, Modelo has been bringing distinctive high-quality beer to those with the Fighting Spirit ever since, including Modelo Especial®, Modelo Negra®, Modelo Oro, and a flavorful lineup of Modelo Cheladas and Modelo Spiked Aguas Frescas.
Modelo Especial is a golden, full-flavored pilsner-style lager with a clean, crisp finish and is the #1 beer in the U.S. in sales. The Casa Modelo brand family is exclusively brewed in Mexico and imported and marketed for the U.S. by Constellation Brands.
Constellation Brands
Stephanie McGuane
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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