Philips and Medtronic advocacy partnership aims to help accelerate access to life-saving treatments
October 24, 2024
Both companies also join the newly established World Stroke Organization Advocacy Coalition
Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, and Medtronic Neurovascular, a leading innovator in neurovascular therapies, today announced a strategic advocacy partnership. Delivering timely stroke care is crucial to saving lives and reducing long-term disability. As leaders in stroke diagnosis and treatment, the two organizations are advocating on raising awareness around the potential health and economic benefits for patients, their families and societies of improving access to timely stroke diagnosis and treatment.
Philips and Medtronic Neurovascular also further expanded and strengthened their partnerships with the World Stroke Organization (WSO) by joining the newly established WSO Advocacy Coalition. This WSO-led coalition brings together diverse stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, patient groups, and policymakers, to develop coordinated strategies that address the global burden of stroke. The two companies are already working together with the World Stroke Organization to share the latest research, exchange best practices, drive improvements and advance the stroke policy agenda.
A stroke is typically an acute event, mostly caused by a blockage in a blood vessel in the brain that prevents adequate blood supply to brain tissue and leads to permanent loss of brain cells. It is a leading cause of disability and death worldwide, affecting an estimated 12 million people globally every year, including an increasing number of young people. The direct and indirect costs are conservatively estimated to be around USD 900 billion annually and are expected to almost double over the next 25 years.
Stroke patient recovering
Philips and Medtronic Neurovascular are advocating for a global network of stroke care centers that can deliver comprehensive care, from early diagnosis to rehabilitation. Their joint efforts focus on three key areas:
- Raising awareness: Promoting public understanding of stroke symptoms and the importance of seeking immediate care.
- Improving access to treatment: Expanding the number of stroke-ready hospitals and providing training to healthcare professionals on the latest interventional techniques.
- Leveraging technology and innovation: Utilizing advanced imaging and digital health tools to create integrated stroke care systems that support early diagnosis, effective treatment, and post-procedure monitoring.
The collaboration will be highlighted at the upcoming World Stroke Congress (October 23-26) in Abu Dhabi, where Philips and Medtronic Neurovascular will host a Stroke Advocacy roundtable session. This initiative builds on their joint presence at events such as the United Nations General Assembly and the World Health Assembly, where they emphasized the need for increased investments in stroke care infrastructure and supportive policy changes.
“Our new partnership with Medtronic Neurovascular and the ongoing collaboration with the World Stroke Organization highlights our shared commitment to transforming stroke care. With advanced technologies and a focus on collaboration, the time to act is now to ensure that stroke patients have timely stroke care — no matter where they live,” said Carla Goulart Peron, Chief Medical Officer, Philips.
“Stroke care is a race against time, and by joining forces with Philips, we can help accelerate access to life-saving treatments like mechanical thrombectomy. Together, we are advocating for necessary investments in stroke care infrastructure to reduce the burden on patients and healthcare systems globally,” said Signe Haughton, Chief of Staff, Senior Director of Medical & Government Affairs, Medtronic Neurovascular.
Philips stroke Azurion interventional suite
WSO Advocacy Coalition
Philips’ partnership with the World Stroke Organization, established in 2023, has now been further expanded and strengthened by Philips’ involvement in the WSO Advocacy Coalition. While the initial partnership focused on improving access to high-quality stroke care globally, this new collaboration deepens Philips' role in global stroke advocacy. By joining the WSO Advocacy Coalition, Philips is now part of a global network that actively works on healthcare policy, raise public awareness, and advocate for increased investment in stroke care infrastructure.
[1] World Stroke Organization - Time for a Revolution in Stroke Care
[2] The Lancet Neurology - Pragmatic solutions to reduce the global burden of stroke
For further information, please contact:
Joost Maltha
Philips External Relations
Tel. : +31 6 10558116
E-mail :
Kelli Lynch
Medtronic Public Relations
Tel.: + 1 203-500-3328
About Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Philips’ patient- and people-centric innovation leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver personal health solutions for consumers and professional health solutions for healthcare providers and their patients in the hospital and the home. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, image-guided therapy, monitoring, and enterprise informatics, as well as in personal health. Philips generated 2023 sales of EUR 18.2 billion and employs approximately 69,700 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at
About Medtronic
Bold thinking. Bolder actions. We are Medtronic. Medtronic plc, headquartered in Galway, Ireland, is the leading global healthcare technology company that boldly attacks the most challenging health problems facing humanity by searching out and finding solutions. Our Mission — to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life — unites a global team of 95,000+ passionate people across more than 150 countries. Our technologies and therapies treat 70 health conditions and include cardiac devices, surgical robotics, insulin pumps, surgical tools, patient monitoring systems, and more. Powered by our diverse knowledge, insatiable curiosity, and desire to help all those who need it, we deliver innovative technologies that transform the lives of two people every second, every hour, every day. Expect more from us as we empower insight-driven care, experiences that put people first, and better outcomes for our world. In everything we do, we are engineering the extraordinary. For more information on Medtronic, visit and follow on LinkedIn.
Any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties such as those described in Medtronic's periodic reports on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results may differ materially from anticipated results.
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