Examined: Artificial Intelligence Redefining Marketing in 2024 - From Generic Ads to Tailor-made Exp
WATERFORD, Ireland, Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Marketing in 2024 is being redefined by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). It has already turned traditional marketing on its head, making generic adverts a thing of the past. Now, it’s all about data-driven precision and delivering tailor-made experiences that resonate with audiences.
For the online casino sector, marketing is paramount and that’s why Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) - a global casino resource portal and division of the OneTwenty Group - is harnessing the power of AI and ML in this extraordinary marketing metamorphosis.
“Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all marketing. Today’s players don’t just want a place to bet, they crave immersive and personalized experiences,” said Sara Jacobs, iGaming Marketing expert at MDC.
“With AI, we are now able to analyze player behavior in real-time and identify preferences and habits. With this data, we negotiate custom deals for players, crafted for each individual.”
This approach not only boosts player retention but also enhances overall user satisfaction by creating a gaming experience that feels custom-made for every player.
“But the advancements don’t stop at enhancing the player experience—AI is also helping casinos fulfill a critical role in promoting responsible gaming,” added Jacobs. “By analyzing player behavior patterns, operators can now detect early signs of problematic gambling and intervene in real time.”
In addition, online casinos are using AI to segment audiences, delivering hyper-targeted messages via email, mobile notifications, and social media. The result is that players feel valued, engagement levels rise, and customer loyalty is stronger than ever before.
As 2025 fast approaches, personalized marketing continues to shape the future of iGaming. With technology constantly evolving, AI and ML are set to propel the industry forward, ushering in a more dynamic, audience-focused era of marketing and responsible gaming.
About MDC
MDC, a division of the OneTwenty Group, is a global iGaming resource portal that reviews and recommends the most trusted and regulated online casinos to players. MDC analyses every aspect of online casinos from checking gaming license details to security, responsible gambling tools, and fair gaming practices, before recommending them to players.
For enquiries contact: miranda@onetwentygroup.com
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