Acronis Achieves Remarkable Expansion in Mexico with Significant 53% Revenue Growth
Widening Availability of Acronis’ Cloud and Cybersecurity Solutions Fuels Growth Across the Region While Doubling of Local Data Center Capacity
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Acronis, a global leader in cybersecurity and data protection, continues to experience strong growth in the Mexican market, with impressive year-over-year (YoY) increases across key performance indicators. This momentum reflects the company’s focus on strengthening its presence in Mexico and Latin America by delivering cybersecurity solutions that meet the needs of managed service providers (MSPs) and businesses.
Over the past year, Acronis drove a 53% YoY revenue increase in Mexico, driven by high demand for its cloud solutions. Total workloads grew by 49%, signaling the company’s ongoing market expansion and increasing cloud adoption by businesses. The largest adoption rise came from advanced endpoint detection and response (EDR) workloads, which surged by 215%, indicating a major shift in businesses prioritizing advanced cybersecurity.
Acronis boosted its investment in Mexico by 30% YoY, reinforcing its dedication to the region. To add, the Acronis Cyber Cloud data center in Mexico City has now doubled its storage capacity and can scale up to five times its current size without additional physical expansion. The data center is also Tier III compliant with certification, ensuring enhanced reliability and performance. This marks the second consecutive year of continued investment in the local data center, highlighting Acronis’ long-term vision to provide reliable, high-performance infrastructure for the Mexican market.
“Mexico is a key market for Acronis. The rapid development and continued investments reinforce our strong commitment to this region,” said Agustin Mella, General Manager LATAM at Acronis. “With a local data center that offers unmatched scalability, paired with continued growth of partnerships and expanded service availability, we are well-positioned and equipped to support our customers and partners in Mexico with the infrastructure and innovative cybersecurity solutions they need to navigate today’s complex digital landscape.”
Earlier this year, Acronis announced the availability of its second Cyber Cloud data center in San Paulo, Brazil fueled by fast-paced progress in the Latin American region. These milestones highlight Acronis’ ability to drive innovation and meet the cybersecurity priorities of businesses across LATAM. As the demand for cloud and security solutions in these regions continues to expand, Acronis remains focused on empowering MSPs and customers with the infrastructure and natively integrated tools necessary to protect digital environments.
For more information about the Acronis EDR solution, please visit:
To learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud data centers, please visit:
About Acronis:
Acronis is a global cyber protection company that provides natively integrated cybersecurity, data protection, and endpoint management for managed service providers (MSPs), small and medium businesses (SMBs), and enterprise IT departments. Acronis solutions are highly efficient and designed to identify, prevent, detect, respond, remediate, and recover from modern cyberthreats with minimal downtime, ensuring data integrity and business continuity. Acronis offers the most comprehensive security solution on the market for MSPs with its unique ability to meet the needs of diverse and distributed IT environments.
A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses. Learn more at
Acronis Press Contact:
Julia Carfagno
Global Communications Manager
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