Amlan International and VetPro Forge Strategic Distributor Alliance to Drive Innovation in Animal He
CHICAGO, Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amlan® International, the animal health business of Oil-Dri® Corporation of America (NYSE: ODC) and a global leader in mineral-based feed additives that optimize the intestinal health of poultry and livestock, is pleased to announce its partnership with VetPro as a new distributor in Brazil. VetPro, a rising company located in North-East Brazil, is poised to play a central role in driving the adoption of Amlan’s innovative products, particularly Calibrin-Z® and Varium®, to meet the demands of the Northern Brazilian market.
This key collaboration is set to accelerate Amlan’s growth strategy in Latin America. The new relationship marks a significant milestone for Amlan as it seeks to capitalize on Brazil's rapidly expanding animal nutrition sector, which produced 81.1 million metric tons of feed in 2022. By combining Amlan's advanced, natural mineral-based feed additives with VetPro's broad regional expertise and distribution capabilities, the partnership aims to promote innovative feed additive solutions and position Amlan for substantial market share growth and enhanced regional impact.
As part of its commitment to advancing animal health in Brazil, Amlan is bringing two of its flagship products—Calibrin-Z and Varium—to the North-East region through its new distribution arrangement. Calibrin-Z offers comprehensive protection against a wide range of harmful mycotoxins that threaten livestock and poultry health, while Varium strengthens the intestinal barrier, enhancing gut health and overall productivity. As part of this partnership, VetPro will leverage its strong distribution network and customer relationships to effectively promote Amlan’s products. With VetPro’s extensive knowledge and reach in this critical region, Amlan aims to deliver cutting-edge solutions to local producers, helping improve animal health and drive performance in one of Brazil’s most dynamic livestock markets.
“We are excited to collaborate with VetPro to expand our reach in Brazil,” said Dr. Robin Jarquin, Regional Director, LATAM at Amlan International. “Their understanding of the market and dedication to the industry aligns perfectly with our mission to deliver top-quality solutions that help protein producers achieve optimal results.”
“We are proud to partner with Amlan International,” stated Raul Ferreira, Co-Owner and Commercial Director at VetPro. “Amlan’s innovative products, particularly Calibrin-Z and Varium, complement our vision of providing the best feed additive solutions to our customers. Together, we are confident in our ability to drive growth and support the poultry and livestock industry in Brazil.” “We are also confident that the quality of Amlan’s products and all the tech services provided by the Amlan team can aggregate a lot in our region,” added Matheus Costa, Co-Owner and Technical Director at VetPro.
This partnership marks a significant step for Amlan as it seeks to enhance its market presence in Brazil, a country known for its vast agricultural landscape and robust livestock sector. The collaboration with VetPro reflects Amlan’s commitment to meeting the evolving needs of animal producers and supporting their success through advanced mineral technology solutions.
About Amlan International
Amlan International is the animal health business of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, a leading global manufacturer and marketer of sorbent minerals. Oil-Dri leverages over 80 years of expertise in mineral science to selectively mine and process its unique mineral for consumer and business-to-business markets. Oil-Dri Corporation of America doing business as “Amlan International” is a publicly traded stock on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ODC). Amlan International sells feed additives across the world. Product availability may vary by country; associated claims do not constitute medical claims and may differ based on government requirements. For more information on Amlan International, please visit
Contact: Reagan Culbertson, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, B2B
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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