MedPro International's Global Giving Inspires and Supports Future Nurses in the Philippines
SUNRISE, Florida, USA, Oct. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The MedPro International and MedProU teams returned from a transformative trip to the Philippines, engaging with future nurses and local healthcare leaders about the profound impact of MedPro International's Global Giving initiative on healthcare and nursing education. “Recognizing that healthcare sustainability is a pressing global concern, through Global Giving, MedPro International is committed to fostering enduring relationships to address the unique healthcare needs of local communities around the world and nurture the next generation of healthcare professionals,” said MedPro International Executive Vice President of International Operations Patty Jeffrey, RN.
At the prestigious 57th Annual ANSAP Convention, sponsored by MedPro International, Senior Manager of International Testing Joely Carrillo addressed an audience of 1,100 healthcare leaders on efforts to educate nurses and develop healthcare in local communities while also speaking on the importance of prioritizing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. During the two-week visit, Carrillo also hosted five nursing seminars focused on Global Giving's educational initiatives, engaging primarily with fourth-year nursing students. “It was an incredible experience,” Carrillo stated. Her lectures provided practical strategies for managing test anxiety, emphasizing that the right tools can significantly enhance performance. In addition to in-person instruction, students benefited from recorded lectures from MedProU's web-based series.
Carrillo also gained valuable insights into the challenges faced by nursing students, particularly regarding limited internet access, which affects their educational resources. “Internet access is crucial,” she explained. “This visit has highlighted the need for alternative approaches to education that can adapt to these challenges.” Carrillo also toured Perpetual Help Medical Center in Las Piñas, a partner in MedPro's Global Giving events.
Global Giving
These recent initiatives follow MedPro International's sponsorship of medical services for over 300 patients at a one-day event in Loma, Biñan City, Philippines, last summer. This event provided vital screenings, cardiac EKG tests, x-rays, and doctor consultations.
Additionally, MedPro participated in “Brigada Eskwela 2023” in Las Piñas City, visiting two elementary schools to donate supplies and help clean classrooms, repaint walls, and refurbish furniture. The MedPro International team plans to return to the Philippines to provide additional instruction to students in early 2025.
About MedPro International
Since 2006, MedPro International has prepared and deployed more foreign-educated healthcare professionals in the United States than any other U.S. staffing company. As a member of the American Association of International Healthcare Recruitment (AAIHR), MedPro International subscribes to the AAIHR code of ethics, which ensures the ethical treatment of foreign-educated healthcare professionals through full support sponsorship. MedPro handles all costs and aspects of immigration, licensing, credentialing, testing, clinical and U.S. assimilation training, and education to ensure healthcare workers successfully transition into the U.S. healthcare system.
To find out more, go to to complete a brief application, and a Recruiter will contact you right away! Or you can call us at 954.739.4247.
Patty Jeffrey, RN
MedPro Healthcare Staffing
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