华琪舍利子博物馆创办人华琪国际集团执行主席张秋源博士(Teo Choo Guan)荣任“瑞典世界和平奖顾问”在美国东部时间(Eastern Standard Time)2024年10月25日亮相美国纽约时代广场纳斯达克大屏,并于国语,英语,马来西亚语三种语言播报;世界的十字路口见证和平的力量。
Dr. Teo Choo Guan, Founder and Executive Chariman of Waki International Group,was honored as an "Advisor for the Sweden World Peace Award." and appeared on the Nasdaq Screen in Time Square, New York, on ** October 2024, Eastern Standard Time, with the broadcast being delivered in three languages: Chinese, English, and Malay.
纽约时代广场(Times Square)位于美国纽约市曼哈顿区第42大街、弗洛德街跟第7路交叉的三角地带,是财富与文化双雄交汇的“世界十字路口”。在这里,年均客流量数千万人次、人员流量上亿人次;作为全球最受瞩目的商业核心地段,全球高端品牌长期在这里传播品牌形象;而这里播出的信息多次引起BBC、路透社等传媒巨头的关注,成为名副其实“吸引世界目光”的最佳窗口之一,能够登陆纽约时代广场,也随之成为了众多品牌梦寐以求的“荣耀时刻。
Times Square, located at the intersection of 42nd Street, Broadway, and 7th Avenue in Manhattan, New York City, is famously known as the "Crossroads of the World" where culture and commerce converge.The annual foot traffic here reaches tens of millions, with billions of people passing through each year. As a global commercial hotspot, many prestigious brands maintain a long-term presence here to enhance their brand image. Information displayed on the screens at this iconic location frequently attracts attention from media giants like BBC and Reuters, making it a coveted "moment of glory" for many brands.
瑞典世界和平奖志力于推动世界和平,增进不同文化、信仰、宗族、国家之间的了解。瑞典世界和平奖是由由欧洲的泰国桑卡联合会(Union Of Thai Sangkha)主办的颁发的一个声望卓著的奖项。此次亮相时代广场,向世界传递“瑞典世界和平奖”的核心理念,邀请全球共同关注瑞典世界和平奖。
The Sweden World Peace Awards is dedicated to promote world peace and foster understanding between different cultures, religions, ethnicities, and nations. The Sweden World Peace Awards is organized by the Union of Thai Sangha in Europe. This appearance in Times Square aims to convey the core values of “The Sweden World Peace Awards” to the world and inviting the world to focus on its.
华琪舍利子博物馆位于马来西亚吉隆坡,于2019年7月9日在开馆。马来西亚华琪舍利子博物馆是华琪国际集团执行主席张秋源博士创立的私人舍利子文物博物馆,华琪舍利子博物馆展出的各种各样的舍利子,张秋源博士因机缘巧合认识了缅甸仰光波罗密寺庙舍利子传承人吴祺迪达瓦拉主持,在吴祺迪瓦拉主持的信任下,舍利子传承人吴祺迪瓦拉主持赠予了大量的舍利子,华琪舍利子博物馆才得予建成并长期进行舍利子供奉收藏以及展示,亦是马来西亚首家舍利子博物馆. 华琪舍利子博物馆现有展品5000多件,现展出有2000多件舍利子文物。以及不定时举办与佛教文化文物相关的文化艺术活动。
WAKI Relic Museum, located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was inaugurated on 9th July 2019. WAKI Relic Museum, Malaysia is a private museum founded by the Executive Chairman of WAKI International Group, Dr. Teo Choo Guan. The museum displays a wide variety of relics. Through a fortunate encounter, Dr. Teo Choo Guan met Sayadaw U Kittivara, the custodian of relics at the Parami Temple in Yangon, Myanmar. With Sayadaw U Kittivara’s trust and generosity, a large collection of relics was bestowed upon Dr. Teo, leading to the establishment of the first Relic Museum in Malaysia, which has since been dedicated to the long-term enshrinement, collection, and exhibition of relics. The museum currently houses over 5,000 artifacts, with more than 2,000 relics on display. Additionally, the museum regularly organizes cultural and artistic activities related to Buddhist culture and artifacts.
华琪舍利子博物馆在2019 年收藏了中国北京的灵光寺影骨佛牙,斯里兰卡康提的佛牙寺影骨佛牙以及佛陀舍利子。目前典藏的主要是佛陀舍利以及佛陀十大弟子舍利和其他高僧的舍利子,佛陀头发,骨舍利、肉舍利、脑舍利、血舍利,離婆多,阿难陀,迦旃延,西瓦利,舍利弗,巴库拉,目犍莲舍利子,五百罗汉舍利子等。
In 2019, the Waki Relic Museum acquired sacred relics including the Buddha Tooth Relic from Lingguang Temple in Beijing, China, and the Buddha Tooth Relic from the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Kandy, Sri Lanka, as well as other Buddha relics. The museum’s primary collection consists of relics of the Buddha, the ten principal disciples of the Buddha, and other revered monks. This includes the Buddha’s hair relics, bone relics, flesh relics, brain relics, blood relics, and relics of the great disciples such as Venerable Upali, Venerable Ananda, Venerable Katyayana, Venerable Sivali, Venerable Sariputra, Venerable Bakkula, and Venerable Mongallana, along with relics of the Five Hundred Arahants.
In 2020, the Sayadaw U Kittivara made a generous present of a substantial collection of Buddha relics and relics of the Buddha’s disciples to the Waki Relic Museum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He appointed the Waki Relic Museum as an International Center to preserve and uphold the legacy of the Buddha and his disciples. This mission is preserved and enshrined the Buddha and His Disciples’ relics to continually propagate the buddha Sasana to another 2,500 years.
The founder of WAKI Relic Museum, Dr. Teo Choo Guan has adhered to the principle of "Taken from the community, giving back to society." In addition to long-term donations and supplies to orphanages and elderly care homes across various communities, the group also contributes to religious organizations, supporting their daily expenses and helping build places of worship, regardless of religious affiliation.
As Founder of WAKI Relic Museum and Advisor to the Sweden World Peace Awards, Dr. Teo Choo Guan is committed to demonstrating his unwavering dedication to world peace while adhering to his original aspirations. He shared his profound experience from his life journey: “Respect the differences between us, Sharing and caring despite our differences, thus we can create a harmonious world.”
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