Cavli Wireless Recognized as a Nasscom Emerge 50 Innovator for 2024
Cavli Wireless Recognized as a Nasscom Emerge 50 Innovator for 2024, Championing 'Made in India' Deep Tech Solutions to Drive Global IoT and Wireless Connectivity
Awarded as One of the Nasscom Emerge 50 Companies, Cavli Wireless Continues to Lead the Charge in 'Made in India' IoT and Wireless Technology Innovation
BANGALORE, India, Oct. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Cavli Wireless, a leading innovator in cellular IoT and wireless connectivity solutions, has been named one of the winners of the esteemed Nasscom Emerge 50 Awards for 2024. This prestigious recognition highlights Cavli's commitment to pioneering "Made in India" technology and deep tech solutions, positioning the company among India's top startups driving innovation in the wireless and IoT space. The Nasscom Emerge 50 Awards spotlight India's most promising startups that are making significant strides in technology, contributing to both national growth and global connectivity.
The Nasscom Emerge 50 Awards, now in their fourteenth year, are one of the most prestigious recognitions for technology startups in India. Each year, Nasscom identifies the top 50 innovative and high-potential startups that are set to make a significant impact on both the Indian and global technology landscape. The awards focus on fostering and promoting deep tech innovation in fields like IoT, AI, and SaaS, which are instrumental in addressing critical socio-economic challenges. For Cavli Wireless, being chosen as a winner in 2024 underscores the company's dedication to leading innovation, particularly in wireless and connectivity technologies. This recognition solidifies Cavli's standing in the Indian deep tech ecosystem and highlights the potential of its "Made in India" products on the global stage.
India's deep tech sector has demonstrated remarkable growth, with investments surging from $1.3 billion in 2019 to over $2.5 billion in 2023. The ecosystem now hosts more than 3,000 deep tech startups, particularly concentrated in artificial intelligence, IoT, and advanced materials. Government initiatives like the Deep Tech Mission and the establishment of Technology Innovation Hubs across 25 cities have catalyzed this expansion. According to NASSCOM reports, deep tech adoption in India has grown at a CAGR of 45% since 2020, with particular momentum in sectors like healthcare, manufacturing, and agriculture, positioning India as a global deep tech innovation hub.
As India emerges as a global telecom manufacturing powerhouse, Cavli Wireless stands at the precipice of this transformative journey as the world's first cellular IoT company to completely research, design, and manufacture modules within the country. This pioneering position exemplifies India's evolution from a technology consumer to an innovation creator, with Cavli's comprehensive cellular IoT solutions now deployed across diverse industries globally. The company's integrated approach to cellular connectivity modules, spanning every network type from LPWAN to 5G, perfectly aligns with India's vision for telecom self-reliance. As IoT technology continues to reshape industries worldwide, Cavli's future-proof solutions and agile system architecture are enabling thousands of product makers to enhance their offerings and customer experiences.
Cavli's innovative approach to cellular IoT is revolutionizing how Indian OEMs scale globally by consolidating the traditionally fragmented IoT deployment value chain into a seamless, integrated solution. The company's C-Series IoT modules, featuring built-in eSIM technology and pre-loaded global cellular connectivity, eliminate the complexity traditionally associated with international IoT deployments. By combining enterprise-grade hardware with the Cavli Hubble connectivity & modem management platform's intelligent analytics and lifecycle management capabilities, manufacturers can now rapidly deploy and scale their IoT solutions across any geography. This comprehensive approach significantly reduces development time and costs, while the modular architecture accommodates diverse requirements in power consumption, network capabilities, and interface options, enabling Indian manufacturers to compete effectively in the global marketplace.
Cavli Wireless's recognition by Nasscom Emerge 50 Awards 2024 is a significant milestone that affirms the company's contribution to the deep tech ecosystem of India. Cavli has always been at the forefront of developing groundbreaking IoT solutions that help bridge the connectivity gap globally. By designing and manufacturing its products entirely in India, Cavli not only highlights the strength of Indian innovation but also ensures greater control over quality, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to scale rapidly to meet market demands.
Cavli's diverse portfolio includes LPWAN, LTE, and 5G modules that provide seamless cellular connectivity across multiple industrial applications. From the segment-leading C16QS module with low-power LTE connectivity, to the groundbreaking CQM220 with 5G RedCap technology that offers blazing-fast network bandwidths, Cavli offers solutions tailored to every industry challenge. Powered by the Cavli Hubble IoT platform, ensures that device makers worldwide can seamlessly integrate and manage connectivity through one solution—bringing unparalleled ease of implementation for IoT products. With robust hardware, advanced software integration, and flexible connectivity management, Cavli delivers comprehensive solutions that simplify the deployment of IoT ecosystems worldwide.
Cavli's products power a variety of use cases spanning smart city infrastructure, industrial automation, fleet management, healthcare, and more. These applications are transforming industries by enhancing efficiency, reducing operational costs, and providing reliable data-driven insights. By enabling a connected future with these innovative solutions, Cavli plays a vital role in empowering businesses to embrace digital transformation through its state-of-the-art, "Made in India" wireless technologies that are already impacting global markets.
"Being recognized as a Nasscom Emerge 50 Innovator is an incredible honor for Cavli Wireless," said Ajit Thomas, CMO of Cavli Wireless. "This achievement is a testament to our commitment to developing future proof IoT and wireless solutions that are not only designed and manufactured in India but are also making a significant impact globally. Our 'Made in India' ethos drives us to deliver innovative, high-quality solutions that redefine global connectivity standards and prove that Indian engineering is at the forefront of deep tech development."
This recognition by Nasscom further paves the way for Cavli Wireless to accelerate its mission of expanding the reach and impact of democratizing IoT and wireless connectivity solutions worldwide. Cavli plans to continue advancing its smart IoT module product portfolio, with a focus on developing even more sophisticated and scalable IoT modules to meet evolving industry demands. Looking ahead, Cavli is dedicated to fostering innovation that addresses global connectivity challenges, while proudly representing India's growing leadership in technology and wireless infrastructure.
About Cavli Wireless
Cavli Wireless designs and manufactures industrial-grade cellular IoT smart modules that improve equipment reliability and expedite application development processes. Cavli's smart cellular modules are equipped with global cellular connectivity through integrated eSIM functionality that provides users with affordable international data pricing, simplified device management, and centralized subscription management through the proprietary cloud-based platform Cavli Hubble.
About Nasscom Emerge 50
The Nasscom Emerge 50 award goes beyond mere economic impact. It recognizes startups that solidify India's Deep Tech story - a story not just about economic growth, but about a socio-technological shift. It paints the picture of a nation transitioning from being a technology consumer to a creator - a pioneer driving cutting-edge research and reshaping India's global narrative.
Contact Information:
Abhinand Dinesh
Associate - Corporate Marketing
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:
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