尼尔森IQ宣布溥嵩凌(Jason Spencer)出任消费者研究(CMI)中国区总经理
全球领先的消费者研究与零售监测公司尼尔森IQ(NIQ)宣布任命溥嵩凌先生(Jason Spencer)担任消费者研究中国区总经理,领导NIQ和GfK中国区CMI商务团队。
Jason在大中华区拥有20多年的工作经验,专注于管理消费者市场研究和咨询业务。在加入NIQ之前的四年里,Jason曾担任凯度香港地区的董事总经理。在此之前,他曾在华通明略(Millward Brown)和Incite Marketing Planning的上海和台湾办公室工作。
NIQ是全球领先的消费者研究与零售监测公司,致力于提供对消费者行为最全面的洞察,并揭示新的增长途径。2023年,NIQ与GfK完成合并,两家极具全球影响力的行业领导者实现整合。NIQ凭借全面的零售解读与消费者洞察,通过卓越的商业智能平台和分析工具,传递市场全貌(the Full View ™)。
NIQ属于安宏资本(Advent International)的投资组合公司,业务遍及逾百个市场,覆盖全球90%以上的人口。
Jason Spencer Appointed CMI Commercial Lead of NIQ China
NIQ, the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, proudly announces the appointment of Jason Spencer as the new Consumer & Marketing Insights (CMI) Commercial Lead for China. In his role, Jason will lead the newly combined CMI Team of the NIQ and GfK businesses in China.
NIQ Consumer Marketing Insights (CMI) specializes in providing insights into consumer motivations and behavior, empowering clients with tailored solutions that drive high quality growth in China and around the world.
As the China CMI Lead, Jason will lead a team with deep experience across FMCGs, technology, durables, automotives, finance and retail.
“I am so excited to be able to draw on the combined talents of NIQ and GfK experts to offer more holistic solutions to clients. I am also looking forward to harnessing the power of existing retail data assets that NIQ and GfK are famous for to truly live up to our mission of providing the Full View to our clients.” says Jason.
Jason has more than 20 years of experience managing consumer market research and consulting projects and businesses in Greater China. For the previous four years, Jason served as Managing Director of Kantar Hong Kong. Prior to this, he had built up a 20+ year career with roles running Millward Brown and Incite Marketing Planning in Shanghai and also worked in Taiwan.
Fluent in Mandarin and with experience in China spanning 30 years, Jason says, “From a personal point of view, I am thrilled to be back in Shanghai, a city that is very much my second home. I have studied in Shanghai in the early 90s when ‘reform and opening up’ was already impacting people’s lives, worked here in the 00s and 10s when China was experiencing break-neck growth and feel privileged to be back to leverage NIQ’s assets to help clients navigate an evolving landscape and achieve high quality growth, both here and overseas.”
About NIQ
NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. In 2023, NIQ combined with GfK, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View.
NIQ, is an Advent International portfolio company with operations in 100+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population. For more information, visit NIQ.com.
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