Meltwater delivers AI-powered innovations in its 2024 Year-End Product Release
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Meltwater, a leading global provider of media, social and consumer intelligence, today announces the company’s latest innovations enabling customers to save time, take action on strategic insights and better manage their important stakeholder relationships.
The proliferation of online data shows no signs of slowing down. The number of social media users has grown by 8%, reaching 5.04 billion in January 2024, and along with that comes critical data and insights for brands to track. In fact, Forrester predicts that unstructured data managed by enterprises will double by the end of this year, with up to 73% of all data within an enterprise going unused for analytics.
In an age where deeper, data-informed insights on consumers, brands and the competitive landscape are a necessity, companies need tools to access and take action on these insights.
The Meltwater platform is a single unified platform for today’s brand-builders, collecting data from 6 million sources and applying AI to turn unstructured data into actionable insights for PR, Marketing, Research and Sales professionals.
More than 25,000 customers around the world use Meltwater’s solutions to understand the billions of conversations shaping today’s brands and industries, identify the key voices behind those conversations, and engage and influence those audiences.
With their 2024 Year-End Product Release, Meltwater introduces innovative new tools and functionality for customers to save time, take action on strategic insights and better manage your most important stakeholder relationships.
Major innovations in the Year-End Release include:
- AI-Powered Platform Assistant, helping teams complete work more easily and efficiently across the Meltwater platform. Users can now ask how to get tasks done and quickly complete common tasks within the platform.
- Brand Analytics Tabs, which automate the task of analyzing and deriving brand insights from thousands of conversations and news stories delivering tailored analytics and quick insights into a brand’s volume, narrative, sentiment, and engagement.
- AI Journalist Search, for teams to easily find the best journalists for any given story. The new AI-powered search goes beyond searching by name or keywords, and analyzes the meaning and messaging of content to recommend the most relevant and best-fit contacts for a story, saving users time and ensuring they have the most relevant targets for outreach.
- Updates to the Engage solution, designed to improve collaboration and visibility across teams when creating and managing brand-approved social posts, which include multi-tier approvals to streamline collaboration across multiple reviewers and a new video editor within the platform, saving time by keeping everything in one place and empowering your teams to produce polished social content faster.
- Investments into Meltwater’s dataset, including expanded partnerships with Reddit and X, to provide customers with the most comprehensive view of news and social data. Users now have complete access to public conversations through Reddit’s extended firehose to track even more discussions about their brand, competitors, and broader industry landscapes. Meltwater also launched an expansion of its partnership with X, securing the rights to resyndicate X content to customers with more advanced social intelligence needs, a first in the industry.
“At Meltwater, we’re laser-focused on making our customers’ lives easier so they can drive greater impact on their most strategic objectives,” said Chris Hackney, Chief Product Officer at Meltwater. “Our Year-End Release reflects an array of updates that provide our customers with the data and advanced insights they require and easy-to-use tools and workflows to take action quickly. We want to ensure that our solutions are empowering teams to drive real impact in their organizations by reacting to fast developing conversations surrounding their brands, finding organic moments to engage and champion their customers, and building authentic relationships with influencers and journalists.”
The investments in the Year-End Product Release are part of Meltwater’s ongoing mission to deliver more value to customers every day through a world-class unified product suite, AI-powered workflows, and smart integrations with Office 365 and other places where teams collaborate. To learn more about the full Meltwater suite, visit
For more information, please contact:
Kelly Costello
About Meltwater
Meltwater empowers companies with solutions that span media, social, and consumer intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content daily and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents, and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner for global brands making an impact. Learn more at
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