eXp Realty Unveils Game-Changing ICON and Revenue Share Capping Incentive Programs at eXpcon Miami
New initiatives designed to supercharge agent growth and unlock unprecedented earning potential
BELLINGHAM, Wash., Oct. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - eXp Realty®, “the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” and the core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), has launched two groundbreaking initiatives at eXpcon Miami: the ICON Incentive Program and the Revenue Share Capping Incentive Program, effective November 1. Both programs are designed to elevate agent success, by unlocking expanded revenue opportunities and further driving their business success.
“These initiatives reflect our deep commitment to empowering agents in an ever-evolving industry,” said Glenn Sanford, Founder, Chairman and CEO, eXp World Holdings. “At eXp, we know that when our agents thrive, so do we. These programs allow our agents to unlock new income streams, scale their businesses, and further leverage our agent-centric model to build wealth like never before.”
ICON Incentive Program
By reaching ICON Agent status—a prestigious designation awarded to top-performing agents—agents gain the ability to maximize the potential of eXp Realty's unique revenue share system, enhancing their long-term earnings and business growth.
The ICON Incentive Program will credit ICON Agents with 30 Front Line Qualifying Agents (FLQA) for 13 months, maximizing their revenue share potential for all seven levels.
Revenue Share Capping Incentive Program
Through this program, agents who cap from closed transactions will be credited with 10 FLQA, maximizing earning potential through level 5 for 13 months. This additional revenue stream offers agents enhanced earning potential, positioning them for faster growth and greater financial success.
“These programs are rolling out at a critical time for agents in the real estate industry,” Sanford added. “We are not just rewarding performance, but empowering entrepreneurial agents with the tools and incentives they need to stay ahead in a rapidly changing market. eXp Realty continues to push the boundaries of what a real estate brokerage can offer.”
About eXp World Holdings, Inc.
eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, FrameVR.io and SUCCESS® Enterprises.
eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 87,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud-based brokerage is powered by FrameVR.io technology, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.
For more information, visit https://expworldholdings.com.
Media Relations Contact:
eXp World Holdings, Inc.
Investor Relations Contact:
Denise Garcia, Managing Partner
Hayflower Partners
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c3002dbd-ac25-4554-9f4c-094d87c4842d
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