Avance Clinical CEO and Asia Director Sign MOUs with Key Clinical Trial Sites in Korea around 2024 K
WAKE FOREST, N.C. and ADELAIDE, Australia , Oct. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Avance Clinical, a leading full-service global Contract Research Organization (CRO) known for delivering high-quality, agile clinical research services, is proud to announce the signing of three significant Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with key Korean clinical sites during KoNECT 2024 conference.
Avance Clinical CEO Yvonne Lungershausen and Asia Regional Director Jessica Han, attended the KoNECT conference, and the three clinical sites to sign these partnerships, marking an important milestone in the company’s strategic expansion across the Asia-Pacific region.
Avance Clinical is a mid-sized CRO with a proven track record of swiftly advancing quality clinical biotech programs. The CRO is highly regarded among US-based biotechs which make up more than 80% of its clients.
Lungershausen stated, “These new MOUs further strengthen our mission to provide world-class services to international biotech clients. As Avance Clinical continues to grow its global footprint, these partnerships with respected institutions will further enhance our ability to offer flexible, efficient, and high-quality clinical trial services in the Asia-Pacific region.”
Jessica Han, based in Seoul, said, “With its highly sophisticated healthcare infrastructure and regulatory framework, South Korea offers an ideal environment for clinical trials. These MOU signings will not only solidify our collaborations with key institutions but also provide our clients with seamless access to high-quality clinical trial sites and patient populations in the region. We look forward to forging deeper connections and driving growth in Asia.”
The MOUs were signed with:
CHA University Bundang Medical Center an advanced 1,000 bed hospital with a focus on patient care, research and education. Designated as a Research-Driven Hospital, it is committed to delivering a stable research environment and infrastructure to support the latest research and state-of-the-art medical technology. This partnership with Avance Clinical will further the reach and impact the hospital has on healthcare development globally.
Signed on October 28, 2024
Young-Sang Kim, Director for CHA Global Clinical Trials Center (CHA University Bundang Medical Center) shared his enthusiasm for the collaboration, remarking, “Partnering with Avance Clinical presents a valuable opportunity to expand our clinical trial expertise, especially in early-phase research. We believe this collaboration will not only strengthen our capabilities but also enable us to offer cutting-edge therapeutic solutions that will impact patients on a global scale.”
Korea University Medicine (Seoul), is a leading academic and medical institution recognized for its robust clinical trial capabilities. This partnership aims to accelerate clinical research opportunities, leveraging Korea University Medicine’s expertise to drive the development of innovative therapeutics.
Signed on October 29, 2024
Hak Jun Kim, President for Medical Research & Business Foundation of Korea University Medicine expressed optimism about the partnership, stating, “We look forward to collaborating with Avance Clinical, a global CRO, and this MOU marks an important starting point to further enhance our unique strengths. We anticipate maintaining a close relationship to play a leading role in the clinical trial field.”
Dong-A University Hospital, Clinical Trial Center (Pusan) is known for its comprehensive clinical trial infrastructure and experienced research teams. The collaboration with Dong-A aims to deepen research ties, particularly in early-phase clinical trials, offering expanded opportunities for clients seeking to develop breakthrough therapies across multiple therapeutic areas.
Signed on October 30, 2024
Sung Yong Oh, Director of the Dong-A University Hospital, Clinical Trial Center expressed confidence in the newly formed collaboration, stating, “This partnership with Avance Clinical marks a pivotal moment for us. By working together, we can further enhance our research infrastructure and significantly contribute to global healthcare innovations. We are confident that this collaboration will accelerate the development of advanced medical technologies and treatments.”
The MoU signings and Avance Clinical’s participation in KoNECT reflect the company's ongoing commitment to expanding its global footprint. KoNECT 2024, co-hosted by the Korea National Enterprise for Clinical Trials (KoNECT) and the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW), is a premier event for thought leaders and industry professionals to discuss innovations in clinical trials across the Asia-Pacific region.
About Avance Clinical
Avance Clinical is a leading Contract Research Organization (CRO) offering biotech companies faster, more flexible, and higher-quality clinical trial services. Avance Clinical is the largest premium full-service Australian headquartered CRO delivering quality clinical trials, with globally accepted data, in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, North America and Europe for international biotechs. With 30 years of experience, Avance Clinical supports clients with comprehensive clinical research services, specializing in early to late phase clinical trials. With experience across more than 250 indications, the CRO can deliver world-class results and high-quality internationally accepted data for FDA and EMA review.
The company is a recipient of the Frost & Sullivan Global & APAC CRO Market Leadership & Customer Value Leadership Awards for the past five years. Avance Clinical provides services from pre-clinical through to mid and late-phase clinical trials, including the benefit of Australia’s 43.5% government incentive and rapid start-up regulatory processes.
Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like Medidata, Oracle, and Medrio, Avance Clinical ensures the most effective trial processes for its clients, delivering high-quality data for FDA and EMA review.
For more information, visit Avance Clinical.
Find out more:
- Discover Avance Clinical’s Asia Advantage
- Get into clinic faster with Avance Clinical’s ClinicReady service
- Learn about Avance Clinical’s GlobalReady model
- Speak with our clinical trial experts about your upcoming study
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/bfa483a0-4ec4-4a47-8390-433d09842bb0
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