Bitdeer Launches Second-Generation Bitcoin Mining Machine SEALMINER A2, Achieving Roadmap Goals
With a power efficiency ratio of only 16.5J/TH, its air-cooling and hydro-cooling mining machines boast a hashrate of 226TH/s and 446TH/s respectively
SINGAPORE, Oct. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Bitdeer Technologies Group (NASDAQ: BTDR), a world-leading technology company for blockchain and high-performance computing, officially unveiled its self-developed Bitcoin mining machine, the SEALMINER A2 series.
As the second-generation product in the SEALMINER series, SEALMINER A2 mining machine is equipped with Bitdeer's independently developed second-generation chip, SEAL02. The A2 series achieves further breakthroughs, offering higher power efficiency ratios, enhanced technologies and improved stability, compared to the A1.
The A2 series includes two models: the air-cooling SEALMINER A2 and the hydro-cooling SEALMINER A2 Hydro, designed to meet mining needs in various environments. Both models adopt advanced cooling technologies and excel in power consumption control and hashrate performance, ensuring stable operation under high-intensity workloads. Test videos of both A2 series models showcasing their exceptional performance have been released.
These are the key specifications for both models:
- SEALMINER A2: Power efficiency ratio of 16.5J/TH, Hashrate of 226TH/s, Power Consumption of 3,729W.
- SEALMINER A2 Hydro: Power efficiency ratio of 16.5J/TH, Hashrate of up to 446TH/s, Power Consumption of 7,359W.
Bitdeer remains committed to enhancing transparency and efficiency in the mining industry through research and development investments and technological innovations, providing the industry with efficient and reliable mining solutions. Bitdeer will continue to uphold the principles of "Innovation, Efficiency, Stability” offering global miners higher-quality and more reliable products and services.
SEALMINER, a pioneering brand of Bitcoin mining machines under Bitdeer Technologies Group (NASDAQ: BTDR), specializes in offering efficient and sustainable mining solutions. SEALMINER integrates Bitdeer's self-developed SEAL series of mining chips manufactured using advanced process nodes. By continuously improving power efficiency ratios, SEALMINER is dedicated to providing innovative, efficient, and reliable products and services to customers worldwide. To learn more, visit or follow Bitdeer on X @ BitdeerOfficial and LinkedIn @ Bitdeer Group.
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