Teva Statement on European Commission Decision; Company to Appeal
- Teva Pharmaceuticals disagrees with the European Commission decision, which is based on legal theories that the company believes are extreme, untested, and factually unsupported
- The company intends to appeal the outcome and is fully prepared to mount its defense
- Teva has supported the MS community since 1996 and will not be distracted from providing access to this important standard-of-care treatment
- Teva works to the highest ethical standards with all our external experts and do so in a highly regulated environment
TEL AVIV, Israel, Oct. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. (NYSE: and TASE: TEVA) is responding to the European Decision following its investigation into the company’s practices regarding COPAXONE® -- the standard-of-care treatment for multiple sclerosis – and announcing its intention to appeal the judgement and fine imposed.
The company is deeply disappointed by this decision and has been cooperating extensively with the EC since 2019. Teva disagrees with the Commission’s legal theories which are legally untested and, Teva believes, not supported by the facts. The company will vigorously defend its position on appeal and is well prepared financially to mount a defense.
Teva conducts its business lawfully and ethically and has been a strong partner to Europe, its patients, economy and healthcare systems. This misguided decision will not distract Teva from its unwavering support for patients living with MS and their families.
Media Contacts:
Kelley Dougherty (973) 832-2810
Eden Klein +972 (3) 906 2645
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