Meltwater and Cyabra Partner to Address Dis- and Misinformation Threats to Brands
The partnership empowers businesses to better identify and counter disinformation campaigns across news sites and social media platforms, providing customers with a digital immune system to protect against online threats
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Meltwater, a leading global provider of media, social, and consumer intelligence, today announces a new strategic partnership with Cyabra, whose AI shields companies and government agencies from dis- and misinformation by uncovering fake profiles, harmful narratives, and GenAI content.
Together, Cyabra and Meltwater will enable customers with a powerful solution to protect brand reputation from online disinformation attacks, manage crises effectively, and enhance the quality of insights on genuine consumer sentiment. This holistic framework complements Meltwater's existing social intelligence solutions and allows for a deeper understanding of dis- and misinformation amplified by malicious actors through fake accounts. Through this partnership, joint customers of Meltwater and Cyabra will receive real-time alerts about emerging threats in order to improve decision-making and strategic planning.
Cyabra is an AI-powered platform that uncovers and analyzes dis- and misinformation online, protecting companies and governments from harmful actors. Using advanced AI, Cyabra sifts through billions of conversations across social media and other digital platforms to detect fake accounts and false narratives. It provides organizations with clear insights into the spread of false information, arming customers with the tools and knowledge to make proactive decisions. Supporting over 100 languages, Cyabra offers a comprehensive understanding of online narratives and public sentiment.
“Reputation is one of the most valuable assets for a brand, and many of today's top brands face online threats, harmful narratives, and mis- and disinformation attacks. Cyabra's leading technology gives teams advanced tools to be able to detect, manage, and counter harmful narratives in real time and protect brand reputation, and we're proud they have chosen to partner with Meltwater to advance this mission,” said Doug Balut, SVP of Global Alliances and Partnerships, Meltwater.
“The rise of brand disinformation has created a critical challenge for businesses worldwide,” said Emmanuel Heymann, SVP of Revenue at Cyabra. “By joining forces with Meltwater, we are extending our capabilities to offer a comprehensive solution to a wider audience. Meltwater's suite of tools, combined with Cyabra's advanced technology, empowers businesses to better identify and counter online threats. Together, we provide a powerful solution for safeguarding brand reputation and building consumer trust in the digital age.”
With this partnership, Cyabra has joined the Meltwater Partner Program, a fast-growing ecosystem of top technology and services providers. By joining the program, Meltwater partners gain access to a broad range of programs, including access to innovative technologies and exclusive co-marketing opportunities to amplify their brand and accelerate revenue growth.
About Meltwater
Meltwater empowers companies with a suite of solutions that spans media, social, and consumer intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content each day and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents, and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner of choice for global brands making an impact. Learn more at
About Cyabra
Cyabra is an AI-powered platform leading the charge against online disinformation. We uncover and analyze deceptive campaigns and malicious actors that spread dis– and misinformation across all social and online platforms. Leveraging proprietary algorithms and a tailored NLP model, our trusted solution is used by global corporations, governments, and agencies. Cyabra collects and analyzes publicly available information, providing real-time alerts and actionable insights.
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Jill Burkes
Communications Lead
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