Teva Presents New Tardive Dyskinesia Data at Psych Congress 2024
Teva Presents New Tardive Dyskinesia Data at Psych Congress 2024 from the IMPACT-TD Registry, Revealing Differences in Patient Experience Based on Underlying Psychiatric Condition
- IMPACT-TD Registry, the largest study evaluating holistic effects of tardive dyskinesia (TD), highlights that there is a high burden of TD on quality of life regardless of a person’s underlying mental health condition
- Registry revealed fewer patients with psychotic disorders (36%) received TD diagnoses compared to those with mood disorders (50%)
- Teva continues to further innovations in mental health and progress real-world data to improve treatment optimization
TEL AVIV, Israel and PARSIPPANY, N.J., Nov. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teva Pharmaceuticals, a U.S. affiliate of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE and TASE: TEVA), today announced new patient- and physician-reported interim results from the Phase 4 IMPACT-TD Registry study, revealing differences between TD patients with a psychotic disorder and those with a mood disorder. The IMPACT-TD Registry is the largest study of its kind evaluating the holistic effects of TD, showing real-world treatment patterns and outcomes with once-daily AUSTEDO® XR® (deutetrabenazine) extended-release tablets and twice-daily AUSTEDO (deutetrabenazine) tablets. Teva also announced interim data from a patient-reported survey describing early, real-world experience with AUSTEDO XR. These findings are being presented at the Psych Congress 2024 taking place from October 29 – November 2 in Boston, MA.
“Tardive dyskinesia is underdiagnosed and often little-understood while presenting a major negative impact on all aspects of a patient’s life. Our latest research is part of Teva’s efforts to build better outcomes, as we seek to improve the day-to-day lives of the patients we serve,” said Eric Hughes, MD, PhD, Executive Vice President of Global R&D and Chief Medical Officer at Teva. “As we continue driving meaningful innovation and lead efforts to tackle mental health equity gaps in care, we are steadfastly committed to understanding the experience of those who are living with TD and look forward to additional insights as we continue this registry.”
The two-part IMPACT-TD study is a three-year longitudinal observational study evaluating how TD progresses and impacts a patient’s quality of life, as well as outcomes related to treatment with once-daily AUSTEDO XR and twice-daily AUSTEDO. The study includes adult patients identified to have TD, but a formal TD diagnosis was not required to participate.
The IMPACT-TD findings revealed:
- Fewer people with a psychotic disorder had received a diagnosis of TD compared to those with mood disorders (36% vs 50%), despite having similar mean AIMS scores (8.7 vs 8.0), a longer median time since the first recognition of movements (5.5 vs 3.8 years), and a longer median time since the first use of an antipsychotic (16 vs 10 years)
- In the study, patients with a psychotic disorder (n=135) compared to those with a mood disorder (n=141) were younger (mean age 48 vs 55.5), more likely to be Black or African American (36% vs 9%), and male (62% vs 38%)
- The impact of TD on the lives of patients in the study was similar in both groups, with clinicians reporting moderate or severe impact of 86% for those with a psychotic disorder and 80% for those with mood disorders
“It is critical for people with psychotic disorders to get the treatment that they need. In the past several years, antipsychotic medicines use has increased, leading to an increased risk of developing TD,” said Rakesh Jain, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Texas Tech University School of Medicine – Permian Basin. “Taken together, the results of this physician- and patient-reported data reveal the need to more closely monitor patients suffering from mental health conditions for signs of TD so that they can be treated early and effectively.”
Teva also presented findings on real-world patient experience with AUSTEDO XR from a non-interventional, prospective, cross-sectional survey, which included adults with TD or Huntington’s disease (HD) chorea who were prescribed the medication. The survey explored patient-reported ease of use, effectiveness and satisfaction. In this interim analysis of data from 131 respondents:
- 87% reported satisfaction with the medication overall
- 74% reported that their extra movements improved with AUSTEDO XR
- More than 76% agreed that a reduction in their extra movements had improved their comfort in social settings and their emotional well-being, and more than half of patients agreed that a reduction in their extra movements had improved their overall physical health and work or school/life balance since starting the medication
- Almost all respondents (98%) reported that AUSTEDO XR was easy to use and incorporate into daily routines and agreed that they would continue to take it (95%)
Currently more than 57 million Americans are living with a mental illness, 14 million of whom are living with a serious mental health condition.1 For those taking certain mental health medications, one in four may experience the onset of TD, an often-overlooked chronic movement disorder that can have a physical, emotional and psychological impact on patients.2,3 Both TD and HD chorea can pose significant challenges to patients’ every day lives as simple tasks like eating, talking and walking can be impacted.
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