Öhlins Racing Unveils Next-Gen Rear Shock Absorber for Adventure Motorcycles
- New Öhlins TTX AR-X 40 shock delivers broader damping range, outstanding on-road comfort and off-road performance
- Advanced preload adjuster offers higher load capacity, permits up to 50mm seat height adjustment
UPPLANDS VÄSBY, Sweden, Nov. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Öhlins Racing, one of the world’s most respected performance brands, has unveiled an innovative, next-generation twin-tube rear shock absorber for adventure motorcycles that provides significantly increased on-road comfort and off-road performance. The new Öhlins TTX AR-X 40 shock also is well suited to the higher loads and other operating demands of street and hyper naked bikes.
The TTX AR-X 40 features a 40mm (diameter) piston fitted with a high-speed blow-off valve that increases comfort and control over an impressively broad range of damping forces. The new shock is equipped with an integrated hydraulic preload adjuster that keep the preferred ride height at increased load and enables riders to increase preload at the damper by up to 20mm, adjusting seat height by as much as 50mm, depending on the application. The advanced preload adjuster includes an innovative modular interface that facilitates manual or electric adjustment. The TTX AR-X 40 is also compatible with Öhlins SmartEC semi-active suspension technology.
“Our new adventure shock is the result of Öhlins’ proprietary innovation process, which begins with extensive customer insight and requires continuous, stringent product testing and improvement until all of our objectives are met,” said Robert Brinkmark, Director Sales, Marketing and Product Management, Öhlins Racing. “We believe the TTX AR-X 40 is the finest rear shock now available for the adventure segment and an exciting new choice for street and hyper naked applications as well.”
The TTX AR-X 40 continues the Öhlins brand’s nearly 50-year history of delivering technologically superior suspension products for all types of motorcycles and riding preferences. The Öhlins range for motorcycles includes shock absorbers, front forks and spring kits featuring twin-tube, monotube and the latest fork technologies designed to optimize the rider experience. Öhlins also develops and markets an array of advanced suspension technologies for automotive, mountain bike and powersport applications.
To learn more about the new Öhlins TTX AR-X 40 shock and any of the brand’s other world-class suspension products, contact your local Öhlins retailer or visit www.ohlins.com.
About Öhlins
Öhlins Racing has been an integrated part of the motorsport industry as well as the motorcycle and automotive industry for over 40 years. Our focus has consistently been on high-quality products, service and support, all the way from Formula 1 circuits to the local, national racing events in over 50 nations worldwide.
For more information visit www.ohlins.com.
About Tenneco
Tenneco is one of the world's leading designers, manufacturers, and marketers of automotive products for original equipment and aftermarket customers. Through our DRiV, Performance Solutions, Clean Air and Powertrain business groups, Tenneco is driving advancements in global mobility by delivering technology solutions for light vehicle, commercial truck, off-highway, industrial, motorsport and the aftermarket.
For more information visit www.tenneco.com.
Press Contact:
Viveca Lundberg
Marketing Communications Manager
Simonetta Esposito
Senior Communications Manager
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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