Monetary Authority of Singapore Nominates Hakeem App for 2024 Singapore Fintech Excellence Awards
ISLAMABAD, Nov. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Walee Group proudly announces that Hakeem, the flagship Islamic Nano-financing product of its financial services division “Walee Financial Services”, has been nominated for the 2024 Singapore FinTech Festival - FinTech Excellence Awards. Organized by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in partnership with PwC Singapore, these awards honor innovative solutions driving financial inclusion and transformative industry practices.
Out of over 200 global entries, Hakeem is one of four finalists in the Emerging FinTech Award category. This recognition highlights Hakeem’s impact as an Islamic Nano-financing solution, enhancing financial access in Pakistan with future global expansion plans. Aligned with the festival’s theme, Hakeem embodies sustainable growth and resilience through technological innovation.
Now in its 9th year, the Singapore FinTech Festival - FinTech Excellence Awards celebrate FinTech advancements across 6 categories, spotlighting solutions that deliver real-world impact and comply with evolving regulatory standards. An esteemed panel evaluated finalists on Impact, Sustainability, Practicality, Interoperability, and Creativity.
Sopnendu Mohanty, Chief FinTech Officer of MAS, praised the finalists, saying:
"Congratulations to all the finalists announced today. Your innovations are pushing boundaries and shaping a more inclusive, dynamic future. It is heartening to see the support for the ‘FinTech Gives Back’ initiative, which continues to drive growth and development in the sector."
The awards ceremony will be held on 7 November 2024 at the Singapore FinTech Festival, where winners will be announced. Finalists will also have exclusive networking sessions with industry leaders, investors, and corporates to advance their solutions.
Noshad Minhas, CEO & Co-Founder of Walee Financial Services, expressed pride in the recognition:
"Hakeem’s nomination underscores our commitment to empowering underserved communities in Pakistan and beyond with accessible, ethical financial services. This recognition on a global stage reinforces our vision of financially enabling global communities through technology-driven inclusion."
About Hakeem by Walee Group
Walee Financial Services and its brand Hakeem are subsidiaries of Walee Technologies, enabling rapid disbursement and easy access to financial support for underserved communities.
About the Singapore FinTech Festival Excellence Awards
Presented by MAS with SFA and PwC, the awards honor solutions that foster financial inclusion, open new growth avenues, adapt AI trends, Quantum Technology, and beyond.
For press inquiries, contact:
For further information about Walee Financial Services, please visit
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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