Colliers named one of Forbes’ World’s Best Employers 2024
Second consecutive appearance highlights strong corporate culture
TORONTO, Nov. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading diversified professional services and investment management company Colliers (NASDAQ and TSX: CIGI) has been named by Forbes as one of the World’s Best Employers 2024 for the second consecutive year. As the only global, full-service commercial real estate firm on the list, this prestigious accolade highlights Colliers’ commitment to fostering a strong corporate culture and creating an exceptional workplace for its professionals around the world.
Forbes' World's Best Employers awards celebrate global organizations that prioritize well-being, promote inclusivity and diversity, and offer growth opportunities and work-life balance. The list is based on an independent survey of 300,000 participants from over 50 countries working for multinational companies and institutions who were asked to rate their employers on various workplace attributes.
“We are honoured to be recognized as one of the best places in the world to work,” said Becky Finley, Global Chief Brand & People Officer at Colliers. “We take pride in accelerating the success of our professionals by providing an environment where they can build partnerships with colleagues, innovate and thrive. In turn, their dedication and expertise enable us to deliver outstanding service to our clients.”
Colliers offers a world-class experience to its professionals through mentorship programs, training initiatives, employee resource groups, and other opportunities to connect and grow. Colliers’ investments in elevating sustainability, inclusiveness, and wellbeing have resulted in receiving accolades including:
- IAOP Global Outsourcing 100, 2024
- TIME World’s Best Companies, 2024
- Forbes Top Companies for Women, 2023
Colliers’ latest Sustainability Report details the company’s responsible business practices.
About Colliers
Colliers (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI) is a leading diversified professional services and investment management company. With operations in 68 countries, our 22,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expert real estate and investment advice to clients. For more than 29 years, our experienced leadership with significant inside ownership has delivered compound annual investment returns of approximately 20% for shareholders. With annual revenues of $4.4 billion and $96 billion of assets under management, Colliers maximizes the potential of property and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, our investors, and our people. Learn more at, Twitter @Colliers or LinkedIn.
Media Contact
Andrea Cheung
Senior Manager, Global Integrated Communications
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