Bitget Wallet Lite Hits 6 Million Users in Days, Now The Largest Telegram Wallet

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Nov. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bitget Wallet, a leading non-custodial Web3 wallet, has launched Bitget Wallet Lite, a multi-chain wallet integrated into Telegram, offering users a seamless, secure way to purchase, manage, and transfer crypto assets directly within the messaging app. Since its soft launch on October 28th, Bitget Wallet Lite has attracted over 6 million users, becoming one of the fastest-growing Web3 wallets on Telegram.
Supporting over 100 blockchains, including Solana, TRON, TON, and EVM chains, Bitget Wallet Lite enables rapid cross-chain transactions for streamlined asset management. Users can purchase BTC, ETH, USDT, and hundreds of other cryptos with over 40 fiat currencies directly in the wallet. With a one-click setup — no recovery phrases needed — the wallet seamlessly connects to users' Telegram accounts for easy access across devices. Users can effortlessly send and receive crypto among their Telegram contacts, view their transaction history for transparent asset tracking, and interact with DApps directly from the wallet, unlocking new opportunities to explore and earn within the decentralized ecosystem.
Bitget Wallet Lite is a non-custodial wallet that prioritizes security and user control, giving users full ownership over their assets. The wallet combines multiple layers of encryption with Telegram's security infrastructure, ensuring that no third parties can access a user's recovery phrases without authorization. This approach securely stores mnemonic phrases in the cloud, integrating Telegram's safeguards with advanced encryption methods.
“Our early success with Bitget Wallet Lite is a result of a comprehensive strategy to engage Telegram communities directly,” shared Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet. “Through an early-user rewards campaign on Telegram, we created urgency for users to experience the best opportunities Bitget Wallet Lite offers. Collaborations with popular mini-apps like Tomarket also expanded our reach, while our referral program fostered rapid, community-driven growth by rewarding users for sharing the experience with others. Together, these initiatives have built substantial momentum for Bitget Wallet Lite.”
Currently in its early version, Bitget Wallet Lite plans to introduce features such as token swaps, wallet imports, and unique rewards like airdrops, red envelopes, and mystery boxes. Bitget Wallet Lite has also partnered with Morph, a fully permissionless EVM Layer 2, marking its first major ecosystem collaboration. This partnership allows all Morph projects to integrate with the wallet, offering developers essential resources to launch and scale for the mass market.
As multi-chain DApp features improve, Bitget Wallet Lite will fully replicate the ecosystem of the Bitget Wallet app, allowing users to connect to tens of thousands of DApps and integrate seamlessly with Telegram Mini-Apps through the OmniConnect protocol. The upgraded OmniConnect SDK version 2.0 offers a secure and intuitive multi-chain integration that creates opportunities for developers to incorporate wallets into mini-apps, facilitating encrypted transactions while generating new revenue streams, enabling them to focus on building high-quality applications.
With over 40 million users, Bitget Wallet is the most downloaded Web3 wallet, dedicated to driving Web3 adoption. The launch of Bitget Wallet Lite is a key step toward comprehensive coverage, allowing one billion Telegram users to engage with the multi-chain ecosystem and easing their transition from Web2 to Web3. This year, Bitget Wallet's integration with Telegram and the TON ecosystem has spurred substantial growth and innovation, including enhanced login methods for MPC keyless wallets via Telegram, extending MPC technology to the TON mainnet, and introducing Telegram trading bots for instant trades and the OmniConnect SDK for seamless connections between Telegram mini-apps and over 500 blockchains.
Looking ahead, Bitget Wallet plans to launch a Telegram mini-app support program, including an ecosystem fund with technology and marketing support to empower developers in enhancing the overall Web3 user experience. Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet, stated, “Our goal is to onboard the next billion users into Web3. Bitget Wallet Lite simplifies crypto management within Telegram and reflects our commitment to continuous innovation that empowers financial freedom for everyone.”
Experience Bitget Wallet Lite:
About Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet is the home of Web3, uniting endless possibilities in one non-custodial wallet. With over 40 million users, it offers comprehensive on-chain services, including asset management, instant swaps, rewards, staking, trading tools, live market data, a DApp browser, and an NFT marketplace. Designed for everyone from beginners to advanced traders, it supports mnemonic, MPC, and AA wallet options. With connections to over 100 blockchains, 20,000+ DApps, and 500,000+ tokens, Bitget Wallet enables seamless multi-chain trading across hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges, along with a $300 million protection fund for your digital assets.
Experience Bitget Wallet Lite to start your Web3 journey.
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