WillScot to Participate in Baird Global Industrial Conference
PHOENIX, Nov. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WillScot Holdings Corporation (“WillScot” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: WSC), a leader in innovative temporary flexible space solutions, today announced that it will participate in the Baird Global Industrial Conference on November 12, 2024, in Chicago, IL.
Portfolio managers and analysts who wish to request a meeting should contact their sales representative at the sponsoring firm.
About WillScot
Listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker symbol “WSC,” WillScot is the premier provider of highly innovative and turnkey space solutions in North America. The Company’s comprehensive range of products includes modular office complexes, mobile offices, classrooms, temporary restrooms, portable storage containers, protective buildings and climate-controlled units, and clearspan structures, as well as a curated selection of furnishings, appliances, and other supplementary services, ensuring turnkey solutions for its customers. Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, and operating from a network of approximately 260 branch locations and additional drop lots across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, WillScot’s business services are essential for diverse customer segments spanning all sectors of the economy.
Additional information can be found on the company's website at www.willscot.com.
Contact Information
Investor inquiries:
Nick Girardi
Media inquiries:
Jake Saylor
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