Monsha’at: Day 2 of Biban 2024 raises the bar for Saudi entrepreneurship with over 1.35bn Saudi Riya
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 20 agreements worth more than 1.35bn Saudi Riyals were signed on the second day of Biban24 forum. In line with Vision 2030, these partnerships and agreements were launched to empower Saudi Arabia’s thriving community of entrepreneurs and advance entrepreneurship in the Kingdom and beyond.
Day 2 of the immersive Biban gathering called attention to Saudi Arabia’s growth as a global investment hub, with the Social Development Bank’s (SDB) announcement of several key agreements with leading local and regional entities among some of the highlights of another eventful day at the forum.
SDB signed partnership and strategic agreements with leading bodies and organizations such as the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Health, and Albilad Bank. SDB will work closely with these entities to empower and finance entrepreneurs in the industrial, health, and technological sectors. SDB will also collaborate with each partner to provide access to electronic payment services to achieve financial sustainability for associations and support freelancers.
The innovation has never been more essential to overcoming the unique set of challenges SMEs and entrepreneurs across the world face. Fostering an enabling environment in which investors, businesses and entrepreneurs are empowered to innovate and pioneer truly groundbreaking enterprises, partnership and agreements is key to unlocking potential – the potential of up-and-coming startups, the region, and the global SME ecosystem as a whole. Biban24 is fully geared towards doing just that, providing meaningful steppingstones to lasting success.
The largest event of its kind in the Kingdom, Biban24 — the flagship startup and SME forum — held from 5 to 9 November 2024 at the Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center.
Organized by Monsha’at, the Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, this year’s gathering will be hosted under the theme of Global Destination for Opportunities.
Tarek Chahine
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