Algorized Raises $4.3 Million in Seed Funding to Drive Innovation in People-Sensing Technology for S
People-Sensing Technology for Human-Machine Interaction
A robot sorts and stacks bins at an Amazon fulfillment center in Eastvale. Photograph: MediaNews Group via Getty Images
BERKELEY, Calif., Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Algorized, an AI-powered platform pioneering advanced people-sensing and positioning software, has raised $4.3 million in seed funding to drive innovation in people sensing and support safer, seamless human-machine interaction. The investment round was led by Amazon Industrial Innovation Fund, with participation from Acrobator Ventures, Berkeley SkyDeck Fund, CoreNest Capital, Shucker Ventures and other strategic investors.
With an adoption of robotics and automation across industries, ensuring the safe collaboration of people and machines is an important challenge. Human detection remains a key area of development, particularly for robots that need to distinguish people from objects when using cost-competitive and scalable hardware. Algorized addresses this challenge by offering a sensor-agnostic software-only upgrade that transforms off-the-shelf wireless sensors into accurate people-sensing solutions.
Algorized employs proprietary machine learning algorithms processed at the edge, unlocking vast amounts of data, including people flow, demographics, accurate positioning, and vital sign detection in diverse physical environments. This data-centric approach allows for the effective fusion of various sensor inputs in the multi-modal platform, enhancing overall system capabilities. Since Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radar technology is rapidly expanding in vehicles, mobile devices, buildings, Algorized can leverage this existing infrastructure without requiring costly hardware upgrades.
"Securing this funding enables us to scale our sensor-agnostic platform, extend our team, and execute a growth strategy that will help us establish a strong foothold in industrial, robotics, and automotive markets,” said Natalya Lopareva, CEO of Algorized. "Algorized’s AI software transforms wireless sensors into powerful people-sensing technology, providing a vital layer of intelligence for safeguarding humans, preventing accidents, while supporting efficient operations."
“At Amazon, we envision a future where people and machines collaborate side-by-side with maximum safety and efficiency,” said Franziska Bossart, Head of Amazon Industrial Innovation Fund. “We believe Algorized is making meaningful progress toward this vision through innovative people-sensing AI software. The ability to adapt to existing sensors makes this technology both accessible and transformative.”
Algorized's journey began with a focus on solutions for life-saving applications, such as locating individuals trapped in buildings during disaster. Since its inception in 2023, the company has gained remarkable traction with major industrial players.
About Algorized
Founded on extensive academic research, Algorized enables groundbreaking sensing and positioning applications through a software-only upgrade to existing commodity sensors. The platform leverages proprietary machine learning algorithms to access a wealth of data, facilitating real-time positioning and vital sign detection in any environment. The company is pioneering innovative solutions for sectors ranging from automotive to human-machine interaction in robotics and beyond. Visit Algorized for more information.
Natalya Lopareva
+1 510 646 6084
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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