Dubai Philanthropist Anosh Ahmed Provides £10 Million of Essential Food Aid to Support Lebanon’s Vul
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Dubai Billionaire and founder of PFOAA Anosh Ahmed and its foundation announces today that it is donating ten millions of pounds of essential food to Lebanon.
Dr. Anosh Ahmed
“In times of hardship and recovery, no one should face hunger alone. As Lebanon heals from the recent conflict, we are standing with the most vulnerable—children and women—who have been impacted the most. This donation is a step toward bringing nourishment, hope, and dignity to those in need. Together, we can help restore not just meals, but a sense of comfort and compassion in the lives of those who need it most. May this support bring warmth and strength to those rebuilding their lives.” - Anosh Ahmed
About Anosh Ahmed
Anosh Ahmed’s remarkable rise from a modest $4,000 investment to a billionaire agripreneur demonstrates how ambition, innovation, technology, and sustainability can transform the agricultural sector. His journey is a testament to perseverance, bold risk-taking, and a vision that sees agriculture not just as a means of survival, but as a pathway to immense wealth and profound social impact. Today, Anosh is recognized as one of the largest leaseholders of agricultural land across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
Growing up in a farming family, Anosh was no stranger to the challenges faced by small-scale farmers—low yields, volatile markets, and unpredictable weather. Driven by a desire to change this reality, he leased 100 acres of land from the government on a 39-year agreement at just 18 years old. With a starting capital of $4,000, Anosh navigated the complexities of agriculture, integrating sustainable practices, innovative technologies, and efficient production methods. Over 22 years, his agribusiness has grown to a valuation of $1.8 billion, managing over 50 billion square feet of land and generating diversified revenue streams from farming, processed goods, agri-tech ventures, and long-term real estate leases.
Anosh remains committed to his roots. He established a foundation that provides small-scale farmers with training, technology, and financial support, alongside creating a network of farmer cooperatives to ensure fair pricing and global market access. His legacy has inspired a new generation of farmers to embrace sustainable, modern agriculture. Through workshops, documentaries, and his forthcoming autobiography, From Soil to Success, Anosh continues to share his knowledge and passion, making him a beacon of hope and transformation in the agricultural sector.
Private Family Office
Anosh Ahmed Dubai
Grace D’Souza
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