OPEN Health Presents First Collection of Research Backed by Scientific Buyout Fund to Foster Researc
London, Nov. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - OPEN Health, a preeminent global provider of scientific communications, HEOR and market access, patient engagement, and consulting services, today announced the upcoming presentation of a collection of research supported by its Scientific Buyout Program. The Scientific Buyout Program initiative allows staff members to "buy out" time from their regular duties to engage in important scientific projects, including developing manuscripts, exploring new methodologies, conducting research, and preparing conference presentations.
“Our Scientific Buyout Program reflects our dedication to fostering a culture of scientific excellence and collaboration,” said Professor Ben van Hout, Scientific Founder, OPEN Health HEOR & Market Access. “By providing the opportunity to focus on self-chosen projects, we aim to enhance our contributions to the HEOR and market access fields while encouraging professional development within our team.”
The program runs in three rounds each year, with the first two rounds in 2024 already demonstrating significant participation and promising outcomes. In total, 83 scientists across OPEN Health submitted their project proposals, resulting in 26 projects shortlisted and presented to the Scientific Office. Ultimately, 65% of projects were accepted and funded, highlighting that the time allocation provided through the initiative further drives advanced research.
As a result, OPEN Health is proud to announce that 12 presentations will be made at two international conferences in 2024, including 9 posters at the prestigious ISPOR EU conference in Barcelona. The posters cover the key topics of the conference including the use and acceptability of AI in HTA, patient engagement in HTA, and EU HTA processes, among others, and will feature the “Funded by the Scientific Office” stamp, emphasizing the support behind these projects.
Elisabeth Fenwick, Chief Scientific Officer at OPEN Health, added, “This program not only empowers our scientists but also fosters a collaborative environment where new ideas can thrive. We believe that investing in our scientific talent is crucial for driving progress in healthcare.”
For more information about the Scientific Buyout Program and OPEN Health’s commitment to scientific advancement, please visit
About OPEN Health: OPEN Health unites world-class scientific, strategic, and creative expertise to solve complex challenges for global biopharma. We are a flexible, global organization, creating high-performing strategic partnerships with our clients. We embrace our different perspectives and strengths to deliver innovative solutions that have a positive impact on commercial and patient outcomes. OPEN Health unlocks possibilities across consulting, HEOR and market access, scientific communications, and patient engagement. To learn more, visit
Candice Subero
OPEN Health
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