Fortinet to Host Analyst Day on its 15-Year IPO Anniversary
SUNNYVALE, Calif., Nov. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Ken Xie, Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Executive Officer at Fortinet
“As we celebrate the 15th year anniversary of our IPO, we reflect on the leading role Fortinet has played in shaping the continued evolution of cybersecurity. Innovation has been in our DNA since our inception more than 20 years ago, and with our customers at the center of everything we do, we’ve built a world-class team, developed an industry-leading portfolio of integrated solutions, and forged meaningful partnerships to strengthen global cyber resilience. Looking ahead, we remain committed to driving innovation, fostering trust, and delivering lasting value for our customers, partners, and shareholders.”
News Summary
Fortinet® (NASDAQ: FTNT), the global cybersecurity leader driving the convergence of networking and security, today announced it will host an Analyst Day for financial analysts and institutional investors on Monday, November 18, 2024, in New York City at 10:15 a.m. ET.
Fortinet executives will share the company’s vision for the future of cybersecurity and provide updates on its strategy and financial outlook.
Prior to the event, Fortinet will ring the Nasdaq Opening Bell to celebrate its 15-year IPO anniversary. Since its inception, Fortinet has shaped the cybersecurity industry, and the bell ringing will mark a significant milestone, commemorating the day it became a public company.
The event will be broadcast live in listen-only mode on the company’s investor relations website at
Additional Resources
- Visit the Fortinet investor relations page at
- Visit to learn more about Fortinet innovation, collaboration partners, product security processes, and enterprise-grade products.
- Learn more about Fortinet's commitment to product security and integrity, including its responsible product development and vulnerability disclosure approach and policies.
- Learn about Fortinet’s free cybersecurity training, which includes broad cyber awareness and product training. As part of the Fortinet Training Advancement Agenda (TAA), the Fortinet Training Institute also provides training and certification through the Network Security Expert (NSE) Certification, Academic Partner, and Education Outreach programs.
- Learn more about FortiGuard Labs threat intelligence and research and Outbreak Alerts, which provide timely steps to mitigate breaking cybersecurity attacks.
- Learn more about Fortinet’s FortiGuard Security Services portfolio.
- Read about how Fortinet customers are securing their organizations.
- Follow Fortinet on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Subscribe to Fortinet on our blog or YouTube.
About Fortinet
Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) is a driving force in the evolution of cybersecurity and the convergence of networking and security. Our mission is to secure people, devices, and data everywhere, and today we deliver cybersecurity everywhere you need it with the largest integrated portfolio of over 50 enterprise-grade products. Well over half a million customers trust Fortinet's solutions, which are among the most deployed, most patented, and most validated in the industry. The Fortinet Training Institute, one of the largest and broadest training programs in the industry, is dedicated to making cybersecurity training and new career opportunities available to everyone. Collaboration with esteemed organizations from both the public and private sectors, including CERTs, government entities, and academia, is a fundamental aspect of Fortinet’s commitment to enhance cyber resilience globally. FortiGuard Labs, Fortinet’s elite threat intelligence and research organization, develops and utilizes leading-edge machine learning and AI technologies to provide customers with timely and consistently top-rated protection and actionable threat intelligence. Learn more at, the Fortinet Blog, and FortiGuard Labs.
Copyright © 2024 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. The symbols ® and ™ denote respectively federally registered trademarks and common law trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates. Fortinet’s trademarks include, but are not limited to, the following: Fortinet, the Fortinet logo, FortiGate, FortiOS, FortiGuard, FortiCare, FortiAnalyzer, FortiManager, FortiASIC, FortiClient, FortiCloud, FortiMail, FortiSandbox, FortiADC, FortiAI, FortiAIOps, FortiAntenna, FortiAP, FortiAPCam, FortiAuthenticator, FortiCache, FortiCall, FortiCam, FortiCamera, FortiCarrier, FortiCASB, FortiCentral, FortiConnect, FortiController, FortiConverter, FortiCSPM, FortiCWP, FortDAST, FortiDB, FortiDDoS, FortiDeceptor, FortiDeploy, FortiDevSec, FortiEDR, FortiExplorer, FortiExtender, FortiFirewall, FortiFlex FortiFone, FortiGSLB, FortiGuest, FortiHypervisor, FortiInsight, FortiIsolator, FortiLAN, FortiLink, FortiMonitor, FortiNAC, FortiNDR, FortiPenTest, FortiPhish, FortiPoint, FortiPolicy, FortiPortal, FortiPresence, FortiProxy, FortiRecon, FortiRecorder, FortiSASE, FortiSDNConnector, FortiSEC, FortiSIEM, FortiSMS, FortiSOAR, FortiStack, FortiSwitch, FortiTester, FortiToken, FortiTrust, FortiVoice, FortiWAN, FortiWeb, FortiWiFi, FortiWLC, FortiWLM and FortiXDR. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners. Fortinet has not independently verified statements or certifications herein attributed to third parties and Fortinet does not independently endorse such statements. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, nothing herein constitutes a warranty, guarantee, contract, binding specification or other binding commitment by Fortinet or any indication of intent related to a binding commitment, and performance and other specification information herein may be unique to certain environments.
Media Contact: | Investor Contact: | Analyst Contact: |
Michelle Zimmermann Fortinet, Inc. 408-235-7700 |
Aaron Ovadia Fortinet, Inc. 408-235-7700 |
Brian Greenberg Fortinet, Inc. 408-235-7700 |
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