11x Raises a $50 Million Series B Led by Andreessen Horowitz to Accelerate the Era of Digital Worker
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - 11x, the leader in AI-powered digital workers for revenue teams, today announced the closing of a $50 million Series B funding round led by Andreessen Horowitz. The investment accelerates 11x's digital workers further into the era of AI agents.
"11x's approach to sales automation with Alice and Jordan isn't just about optimizing workflows. It's about creating a new model for how work gets done," said Joe Schmidt, Partner at Andreessen Horowitz. "We're proud to support 11x as they reshape what's possible in sales."
The End of Software
Sales teams are buried under an avalanche of tools, with over half now aiming to reduce their tech stacks according to Salesforce's latest State of Sales report. Only 30% of sales reps' time is spent selling, with 70% lost to non-selling tasks like data entry and system management. 11x addresses this imbalance with digital workers that autonomously handle the workflows of traditional revenue teams.
Digital Workers, Not Software
The company's first two digital workers have demonstrated remarkable results:
- Alice, the world's first AI SDR, manages campaigns, sources leads, and personalizes outreach, driving response rates 3x higher than traditional SDRs.
- Jordan, a 24/7 multilingual phone rep, handles calls in over 30 languages, delivering up to 10x faster lead response times.
Now 11x has doubled down on delivering truly autonomous outcomes for customers by developing an entirely new version of Alice using the latest agentic AI research: Alice 2.0.
Alice 2.0 is fully autonomous, leverages first-party data, and learns from every interaction to improve over time.
Strategic Growth and Future Plans
Following a significant team expansion in the US after their Series A this September, 11x has acquired Opkit, an AI startup focused on developing healthcare solutions. Opkit co-founders Sherwood Callaway and Justin Ko will lead development on Alice 2.0 with product leader Keith Fearon, joining forces with 11x CTO Prabhav Jain.
In the next year, 11x plans to launch multiple new AI agents while driving aggressive revenue growth and key hiring initiatives in San Francisco.
"We're seeking bold innovators ready to shape the future of AI," explained CEO and Founder Hasan Sukkar. “Each new digital worker will replace the work of 11 full-time employees, managing an even broader range of GTM tasks from lead management to pipeline analytics.”
About 11x
11x is redefining work by replacing software with autonomous digital workers that automate Go-to-Market (GTM) workflows, helping organizations increase efficiency and cut costs. 11x specializes in automating roles across GTM teams, including Sales, Marketing, and Revenue Operations.
The company is backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Benchmark, Quiet Capital, SV Angel, Abstract Ventures, Lux Capital, Operator Partners, Visionaries, Activant, 20VC, 20Growth, 20Sales, and industry pioneers such as Amjad Masad (CEO of Replit), Aaron Levie (CEO of Box), and Suhail Doshi (Founder of Playground).
Media Contacts:
Keith Fearon - Head of Growth & Alice Product @ 11x
Email: keith@11x.ai
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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